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Today is March 1st and we are still at war. My family and I are still alive.

It still feels like some sort of dream we're about to wake up from, but no. So it just won't work out.

Yesterday I even sat down to draw a comic, but as soon as the news from Kharkov began to come in, I started to get hysterical and I couldn’t take the stylus in my hands anymore. Our relatives and many friends were there, fortunately they are in order, but other residents of Kharkov were much less fortunate. There are wounded adults and children, there are dead... adults and children. And all these are civilians who just went out after the Kamendat hour to find water and food.

I have no words.

Since we have the second day tomorrow, I will traditionally (if I and my laptop are fine) send out links so that you have access to at least those files that have already been uploaded. I won’t be able to issue links after March 2, sorry, I’m not up to it. If someone from the 3rd and higher subscription level wants to take the responsibility of issuing links in a personal message to those who ask - write, I will make a post with a link to you and give instructions.

Also, according to tradition already, I will post a post for requests for the 4th level. Just in the hope that all this will end very quickly and that Ukrainians will begin a normal life this month.



I think we all completely understand if you can’t get updates out right now. The most important thing is yours and your family’s safety. If there is any more we can do to help, don’t hesitate to tell us! Take care!!💙💛


Pleass stay safe...do everything you can to focus on that. Your saftey and your families matter most rn. We all are praying for you...


I form Thailand We are gathering our people to volunteer to help Ukraine. This war will end soon.


Focus on yourself first


Take care of yourself first! That is way more important! My heart goes out for you, I'm so sorry


<p style="color: #008600;">Stay strong and most importantly don't give up! Everything will be back to normal soon, we believe in it!</p>


Рипа, я из России, мне ужасно стыдно за действия "деда" и я ужасно боюсь за тебя. Эту кровь, пролитую правительством, мы будем отмывать очень долго. Пожалуйста, только живите! Все адекватное население против этого пи*ца, но нас тоже не слышат... Господи, пусть это закончится


Your safety is way more important. I am glad to see these updates and hope this mess will be over soon. Please stay safe and keep your head up. 💖


Please stay safe and take care of yourself 💙💛. We love you, don’t worry about tending to us. Don’t put pressure on yourself. All I want to hear is updates on how you are doing and to be here if you need to vent. Please be with your family right now. We’re here for you💕.


&gt;у меня началась истерика и я больше не мог брать стилус в руки. Таже херня. Мне сейчас все равно как ты относишься к русским и ко мне лично. Береги себя. Пожалуйста.


We are all very worried about all Ukrainians and hope that this nightmare for the world will end very, very soon...


Совсем неудивительно что в такой обстановке вы не можете работать. Меня невольно пробирает стыд за то что происходит. Было очень больно видеть фотографии разрушенного вашего кабинета, который вы делали крапотливо и по своему вкусу. Очень хочется что бы это всё поскорее закончилось