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Me and my family are fine. We sleep very little, because at night we are scared not only from explosions, but also from any rustle, but at least some appetite has appeared.

It's sunny today, the weather is fine, only rocket explosions spoil such a beautiful day.

Until that moment, I could not draw at all. Patriotic posters are not at all what I can do. But then I remembered that at such moments you can draw something positive, caricatures or memes.

This morning I saw a video where hungry Russian soldiers entered a Ukrainian grocery store and started shoveling food into garbage bags. So hungry that they abandoned their tanks for sausage and bread.

This is how I drew this meme. Hope it lifts someone's spirits a bit.




Glad you and your family are doing alright.


Мда, если наша страна будет гореть в вашем пламени вы будете радоваться тому как мы умираем. Другого я не могу найти обьяснения такому издевательству.


Glad to hear you and your family are safe!


Glad to hear you're all right 🙏🏻


Не видела видео, но на 99% уверена, что это какие-нибудь пареньки-срочники, которые кроме школы ничего не видели, а потом их бросили воевать непонятно за что. Жаль и их, жаль что российское правительство натравливает обычных людей друг на друга. Но я очень рада, что фирменное чувство юмора не оставляет вас даже сейчас


В чем издевательство? В попытке снизить уровень стресса из-за вторжения России на территорию Украины?


Knowing that you and your family are okay lifts my spirits. :)

cecil chop

so much love to you and your family, focus on caring for yourself okay? thanks so much for the update ❤️❤️❤️


Funny doggos🐕☺️ Thank you for sharing your drawings despite your troubles. Humor is a powerful weapon against despair ♥️ Take care and stay safe 🍀🕊️🍀🕊️🍀🕊️


Don’t worry about doing art for us. We just want to know that your okay in this scary time. Please focus on yourself and your family. ❤️


Thank you so much! You don't have to draw for us but we appreciate every drawing we get from you! Stay safe and Героям слава!


Please take care of yourself and your family. I will not unsubscribe from your Patreon, because it is almost the only source of information about you. Instagram is slow and bad, I will at least make sure that everything is fine with you through the Patreon.