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rwby v9c8 reaction final

Watch "rwby v9c8 reaction final" on Streamable.



2 thoughts 1. Yes, Ruby was literally bullied into suicide and she looked her teammates in the eye while she did it. 2. ALL OF YOU APOLOGIZE TO JAUNE RIGHT NOW!


crunchy roll is all L's never taken a w in their lives


"it's not a place you go. It's a place you know." So in the next episode we'll see parts of Ruby's past I guess? maybe even Beacon Academy... I have no idea. But I'm really "curious".

Eduardo Gonzalez

A friend told about thishe found out something in the episode. He refused to tell me where he got it from or came up with it. But he said to add song clip in the scene. (What?) he told me where he found the idea from after he shared this with me. If you listen to the song Gold acoustic song from (3:26 to 3:55) relate to the scene at (22:56) in this video. Then on the actual episode (12:09). I’ll let you guys see ursleves but I thought it was interesting to share. Lmk what you all think about it.