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Good afternoon my little sweets! I hope the day has been finding you well. It is a thing of clouds here and what have you, which as we know is energy for Shane. 

Today I worked on a piece that was inspired by our Mashupulous's " Kiss. " which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/mashupulous/kiss

You know..once upon a time, there was enough time.. When the meaningful was found in the things that made us smile. When every second did not need devotion to worrying we were falling behind, or feeling trapped.

 There's an overwhelming temptation to the pursuit of perfection, even at the cost of our own happiness. If we give in to this pursuit for too long, we begin to lose sight of answers, beneath questions that reach far away, but never inside ourselves. 

Eventually the question " What am I doing wrong? " becomes " What am I not doing perfectly right? " the guilt...is unimaginable. 

So I'm asking you right now...when did the ultimatum become so agreeable...? Perfection or silence?

I don't want you to be ashamed of who you are or what you're doing. I want you to be here with me now. I want to hold your hand and tell you something I believe to be true.. There's nothing to be ashamed of here. It's alright. You're going to do alright. You're going places none of us can imagine or see, and if you can't see that right now, that's okay too..we'll see it together one day. Promise. 

 Until we do..I want you to be gentle to yourself now and again. I want you to remember that truly sometimes the greatest meaning can be found in your smile..and right now, that's all I want to see. 



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