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Good afternoon my dears! I hope the day has been alright to you! About to head off to work here. 

The next couple of weeks are going to be interesting! I have some final papers to go over and sign, and some food handling licenses to test for, but I'll be heading for Orientation as a customer service admin at the good 'ol Fred Meyers. From the vibes I'm getting, this will be an interesting opportunity, and certain change of pace. 

To help celebrate, I've done some sketches which more or less summarize both my elation as well trepidation. Needless to say, I don't think I'll need a second job from here out. We'll play it by ear with that....hehe.....rabbit-ear......anyway..

There's a contest currently going on over at Deviantart, and if any of you are into pallet challenges, there's less than six days before this one closes up in an art group. I could think of no better way to say goodbye to the month of fools than with a little challenge. So if art is your thing, have at it and feel free to check it out by following the link down below. 




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