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Shane Wexelman

Hey guys! It's once again that time! I wanted to thank everyone for voting as they did. Hem has flown the coop but he is sure to make a return some day! In the meanwhile, we have two new choices to the voting pool and I am positively excited to see who will win out this time! This vote will mark the beginning of us starting two stories at once! Bellqui the sock puppet - A boy who saved both the real and puppet world with the help of his magical sock puppet grows up to wonder how everything lost so much magic in his life. Everything except for his sock puppet friend Bellqui. Nuri the yokai wall - A night thief enters a forbidden village in search of treasures only to discover its last inhabitant isn't of the living or safe kind. Tepip the blind princess - A fearful princess runs from the promise of her throne. Lost and scared in the land betwixt, a happen chance encounter with a vagabond see's the journey of her return. Little does he know the secret of her true nature. Nirvash the vampire eel - Night fishing is lucrative and dangerous work in the dark tides, and for one fisherman on the gnarled reefs, the meal plans of an eldritch being are about to come to fruition...or so they thought. Ralph the goat mage (Male) - Two childhood friends in Autumn celebrate their last school year and coming graduation, both thinking about what they want to do with their lives. Only one of them is thinking about the other just a little bit more.

Friday The V

Why must all the choices be soo tempting #-#

Duke of Dooks

Precious treasure ahead


tepip is gonna make me finally make betray my babe nuri, im ashamed


Ugh, I'm never gonna see how Shane handles sex with a wall... it likely would give a whole new meaning to the phrase "balls to the wall" ;-)

Shane Wexelman

I'm not gonna lie, I had the idea in my mind for nearly a year. And the moment I finally digitalized her and sat there staring, I told myself "Oh no......a snake princess dork. They're going to love her." and boy does the love make me warm inside.

Shane Wexelman

Your pun hurt me and I thank you for that. Aye, I've been rather curious of the intimacy aspect myself. Perhaps someday, my friend. Someday.




Oh no! Tepip is meeting all my standards! You are a master of character ideas. Bravo!

Jaxon Nobles

guhhh, you make EVERY ONE OF THESE better than the last, and i don't even know how you do it 😭


Was Nirvash inspired by those Dredge streams with Toast?

Shane Wexelman

Oh one hundred percent! I was further inspired by a dear friend who similarly desired to work on an erotic romance story inspired by Dredge too. Though theirs is way more wild and creative by comparison with a deep sea humanoid. https://twitter.com/Dollstaff/status/1646238171427123200?cxt=HHwWgMDR-aG5ztgtAAAA Love her creative thoughts.

Shane Wexelman

You're so kind, thank you! To this day I still blame watching DragonHeart as a kid for being the thing that kicked off this lifelong interest and quirk in working on these stories. ^^