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Good afternoon my dears. I hope you have been doing well! 

Off to work in a moment here. Finally had some time to get all the bills paid and some nibbles sit too. The next two days I supposedly have off, which I am hopeful for so I can conclude the next page of Hissed Connections, and go over some other things for the future. Today's picture is a work I call " The Rabbit Parade " 

If you're in the United States, then you probably know all the crazy stuff that has been happening for the last eight or so days. Heck, even if you're not here, it is hard not to hear about it. It is a year of fire, and so I'm hoping that in this time, more people will celebrate differences and come together for the things that matters most: rejoicing our being together, even when we believe otherwise. 

It is not a time to be complacent, or to be hateful. It is a time to be loving, driven, and above all, compassionate. Don't let hate win, but be weary to emulate that hate with your own. I have some sketches to share tommorow, and I'm hoping you get a little chuckle out of what you see. You take care now, okay? Stay safe out there.  



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