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Good evening my dears! I hope you have been doing well! 

Well this weekend has been a thing of interviews, long bus trips, and home/Gardening exhibition shows. My time has been really limited, my mind racing and running to try and grab something. I admit, this month is going to be the tightest on expense I've ever seen. Without your help all this time, I cannot imagine what would be happening otherwise. 

So I thought of our batty little friend on the bus this morning. Some floating ideas of a poor little thing that got caught in a play prop by mistake, and dreams of captivated audiences in the darkness of a theatre long abandoned. Of course the true story begins with a curious trespasser discovering a mummy whose eyes find a way to open. 

I'm hopeful for a call this midweek for a hospitality associate position that is a bit more stable, and a lot more comforting to my pocket so I can get things rolling proper again. Until then, I have another shift tommorow at the Tacoma Event Dome, and it is certain to be just as curious, and just as weird as it was today. 

From sitting in a star room with a man I told was the Boss Ross of astronomy, to flailing with a lady at a caramal stand, to admiring an old man's leg ( tattoos ) there's a little something for everyone if you find enough fun and weird in it. 

Well I'm off to the realm of rest, no matter how brief! Be good you dears, and I hope to find that time to flood this place again with many things!  




D´awwwwwwww what a cute bat.


dasvidaniya, don't get any on ya