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Good morning my dears! I hope you're doing well today! Well I certainly have to be out and on the run for work in a moment here, but today is a day of birthdays! Another year, another age! 

I may blow on a kazoo quietly in some corner. Perhaps...perhaps. The sketch shared today however I feel sums up my feelings on the matter completley. Let's make the day count and strive towards somethin' nice. Have a sweet thing for me, won't you? 

Those are the gifts I would love. Knowing you took a moment to doodle around with whatever your heart desired. Had a cup of tea or listened to the rain. Maybe you walked to a park or took some extra time with someone you didn't really know, but showed them the same respect a whole heck lot of us deserve. Make those the candles on my cake. ;) 

You take care now and here is hoping to another birthday. 
