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Good evening my dears! I hope you have been well! Past few days have been applications and interviews. Goodbye Sony advocation, hellooooo Metro PCS. Of course I have many papers to sign and steps to finalize but the process is on the way. A step in a new direction with some new things to learn sounds like just the thing right about now to grapple onto. Believe it or not, I have a bit of a taste for tablets and phones, even if I'm running around with a Galaxy S5 until the sun burns out and darkness reigns forever. 

Another page of sword breaker is up for your viewing pleasure,  and it would appear the eyes are being a bit more open now. My apologies the post is not more substantial but I need to make sure the transition goes just right for all this. 

On a random note, I've been considering sharing some of my book titles on this Patreon channel. Nothing major really, just mentionings, synopsis and snippets of writing to perhaps generate some curiosity. It would also be a way for me to let you in on the things that make me passionate and drive my foot forward. I'm just not so sure though if it is something that would intrigue you. Things of the occult and what have you. Well if it does, please feel free to mention something in the comments and I'll further consider!  



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