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Good afternoon my dears! I hope you're doing well today!

Much to juggle as we come to the end of the month here! Near years is creeping in on us. Well, 2016 sure was something else. But you know what though? It wasn't all just terrible politics or social fires. It was also a year of medical and technilogical breakthroughs. Another step through the history of humanity all over. We have a long way to go but it always has been that when put to the test, we make things work.
Woah now though, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. Let's scale it down a bit. It's still cold here in Seattle, and retail hours are playing a bit of catch-up with returning back to normal hours. I'm dealing with a bit of art block myself due to the tugging back and forth from both jobs. I wanted to find something to do though. To have some way to let you all in on certain parts of my life, and so I thought on a little sketch series I'll call " Things that actually happened today. " or to be more precise " Things that happen at work " Since I am there more than anywhere else these days. 

Perhaps you may realize yet how irredeemably dorkish I can be. Besides this however, I also wanted to share some past commission sketches with yourselves. The past has a way of showing an interesting look behind the scenes. This, my dears....is an avalanche. Be very afraid. 




lovely as usual! stay warm and good luck with that grind we're all familiar with