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Good evening my dears! I hope you've been doing well. This is it! The big one! The night of the crossing onward to new years and new possibilities. It's a time of remembrance and perhaps even reverence among family and friends, or even just ourselves. 

The world has been quite active, and now is a time for us to breathe easy if only just for one moment. We are here again. We have made it to this time again, and not all of us come to expect that. We arrive to a new year with new perspectives, new ideas and passions. I'm proud of you all for having come this far. 

You've worked hard, and it certainly hasn't been easy. I just want you to know that you're appreciated for that. You're charitable, kind, curious, and human. That alone is worth celebrating on this one night of a new dawn. There are many plans to act on these next coming days. Ideas to illuminate. New friendships to forge, hope to spread and some smiles to bring. This world needs another year of courage, determination, and kindness. 

In the meanwhile however, I have another bundle of sketches to share, and they are at your disposal here. P.S, I discovered a hairless cat in a curious way. Feel free to check the comic and followup pictures for the terrible truth!


A woman stopped me on the way out of Best Buy this evening. She's a regular on the weekends actually. She said to me " You know what I like about you? You always smile when someone's coming. " She thanked me and wished me a happy new year. 

It's hard to smile for me. There's a lot of pain inside. A lot of loneliness, anger and bitterness. It's the elements of pure chaos that could tear whole worlds apart. Ever look through the older works of my gallery and you'll see the terrible words of a monster scratching at the bars of it's cage. Some people have asked me in the past how I can stay so positive. How I can just be rid of all these troubling emotions. 

 I don't rid myself of everything, and I wouldn't recommend it either. Even the ugly parts of ourselves have a powerful and beautiful aura to them. This anger in me is passionate. It comes when I am hurting and in pain. When I am abandoned or mistreated; and it whispers " I refuse to be the way you are. " my sadness is a symphony that urges deeper meanings must be shared, and that no one individual should feel alone this way. 

The greatest strength you can ever show in your life is taking the things in you that you once considered weakness, and making them beautiful again. How we feel does not mean it must be how we act. Everyone deserves a smile. They won't know that until we show them. 




Happy new year


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