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Good evening my dears. I hope you're doing alright tonight. I had a tiny bit more time and lack of traffic on shift this evening so I went to work on some art. 

I wanted to say thank you to all the kind souls and words you shared with me. They were unexpected and truly touched me. It was beautiful hearing of your own lives, your own struggles and thoughts. And it's beautiful to know that we are all trying together. Even if it sometimes gets harder or we grow lost. We're in it together.


There is always something out there listening for that which others cannot hear. Even sometimes ourselves. As our hearts begin to splinter and crack, it radiates a light until it billows outwardly from our chests. There is a sound through light, and a resonance only the cries of a falling star could make. 

The body withers, the mind grows lost. The weight of our struggles and selves slips over our eyes like a curtain or veil. We may grow to hear little, and to see less...but there is something always out there listening. And if we look inwardly to our broken hearts, we will find their hands upon it. 

You are not alone. The arms are there...even in the most dreadful of darkness.


Inspired by Salmon Cake's "Cake mix" which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/salmoncakes/cake-mix-stampy-minecraft-remix



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