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Good morning my dears! I hope you are doing alright today!


Arbinel was rose from the abyss and was thus motherless and fatherless. And three children were born from her. To stare upon her children was to stay upon herself and so she sought suns from the heights above so that they may have consciousness of their own.

The darkness is want made manifest. Perhaps born from the cries of wayward stars, the fragments of broken suns undone. This darkness is similar in that of the human soul which begins in this world as only want and need until it forms consciousness through warmth and light.

Arbinel rose and reached for the suns for which she took into the abyss below. And the gods who inhabited the light, in all there capacity could not accept this darkness...and so they pushed her back down into the abyss. Far down in that she may never rise again and keep the universe as it were.

But in doing so the universe became fractured, and why is this? Because of the disparity born from want and denial. And thus the great cosmic shattering began. And all things were inflicted with the terrible Visage of sadness born from the cosmic will crying out from betrayal. The one dividing as a terrible wound which would never fully heal.  

Arbinel plummeted and dragged the gods of the heightening with her deep down into the darkness. The light trapped in the dark in a seemingly endless sharp pyramid for which one could never reconcile. The children fled, all except for sunless Valdurech who had no consciousness or greater will of their own except for what arbinel possessed. Want and love.

And so pieced together and reforming the shattered, Valdurech wove the wound from their own flesh and will until there was nothing left to give. Until they were undone and all that was left were the fated strings which bind and connect this world to the abyss below.

So when one plummets into the dark and peers the Visage of the inverted triangle, the meaning of "that which falls is destined to rise again" may very well be that the darkness cannot be repressed, and that want and love exist and therefore cannot be denied to rise. Reaching for the sun.

The betrayal of the universe may in fact represent that there was only light for a time, and that the darkness rested below without any deeper meanings or existence, until Arbinel rose and yearned. And if all things are a manifestation of the unconscious cosmic will then the darkness having been rejected by the light was the true sin that tore everything apart. This is why we bare the burden of fear and sadness. Why the scar remains. Why our love and suffering is both the will of the universe and of Arbinel. A love trying to embrace itself without true reconciliation.

This is ls why eldest Issac, as a woeful scholar, acknowledged that all that awaits those who peer too deeply, is woe and sadness to see and know the truth. Sadness is an energy and element born from the universe. Spirits of the higher and lower realm in all their fluidity are made physical and crystallized in the face of it, destined to Crack and break through sadness if the energy cannot be embraced. To even know it is to invite that energy. And all things living of the earth too possess this awareness, bound by the ring of perpetuity on their wrists.

The heart in its fluidity too can grow hardened by sadness, and through despair come to Crack and break.

This may then explain why the heightening is so abrasive. To be in this lofty plain is to be unchained and unwanting. We want and so it harms us for the disparity. And so if a spirit wants greatly it will descend back into darkness to rejoin the source, thus becoming all things possible...a black sun. Otherwise it will rise and thus become a sun. A will of light that becomes one with all that was and were so that illumination may continue to be.

The world and below is held together by threads of Valdurech which yearn and want with love. The cosmic unconsciousness stirs restlessly but is brought comfort by one accepting their sadness and thus joining the dark and light to become whole. One is all, all is one. Bring comfort to yourself, you bring comfort to the universe.

Accepting our sadness means acknowledging we are lost, and finding gratitude on these alien grounds. Through gratitude we alter our reality and thus are illuminated and can marry our darkness, our feelings and wants, with our light, our spirit and will that appreciates existence in all forms.

Through gratitude we embrace ourselves and thus these worlds and the otherworldly, and discover faith beyond fear. The closed eye that sees in the dark.



Yuvie (Ornero)

Yes yes yes!!! I'm super happy to see this! Lots of words to pore over and think about! Time to see what I've interpreted right and interpreted wrong, in figuring out what's all been going on in your works xD Oh, and on that note! Reading this lore piece has got me wondering: How does Balgordon fit in to the picture, or alternatively what did he represent? I remember from Right of Balgordon, getting the impression that his seeping-into-the-world-from-the-Void had brought knowledge of this divine truth of our nature in relation to the Voidening (at least to some degree). And from the final line in that attached writing, as well as the first line from Forgetting the Forgotten, it seemed to me that this sort of "forbidden knowledge" (if it is appropriate to reference that trope) played some part in the Great Collapse and Valdurech choosing to mend these cosmic wounds. I'm curious to know precisely where he fits in (or if he still does), because I've been chewing on Balgordon for a hot second now and I noticed his absence in the recollection of events!