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Good morning my dears! I hope you are doing well today! 

Up for download and viewing is a piece I call " Map of the madman "

Here we can get a better layout of understanding for certain elements represented in my works of the unknown universe. 

This is laid out vertically and representing a trinity of existence, beginning with the Sun at the top.

The heightening/sun/super ego. That which the higher spirits have long since left empty. Figments and phantoms untouched and unbound at last from the worlds below are drawn to the abrasive and sharp lofts of these grounds. 

Within the middle is The Earth/chalice/ego. That which houses and converges want and consciousness within the confines of matter. That which needs and communes between the higher plains and the lower abyss. 

Far below lies The Abyss/Black Sun/Id. An unending darkness in which desire and all emotions derived there in channel from. Feelings run rampant and uncontrollable in all their unconscious form, drawn upwardly to those mortal who knowingly or otherwise call out to them.  

All things are connected whether we accept it or not. The world and below is held together by ethereal strings. Held waywardly by divine chains. We are transient souls who seek form, but beware where your eyes lead you. 

Place too much faith in form and you are destined to break. Let go of the world and you may be swallowed by the consuming want of the abyss. 

We are as a chalice, wanting and empty. And it is that from the darkness below which gives us life and fills us so. Deny it, and inevitably you will pour over in agony. Treat that which you imbibe within you with reverence, and look to accept the three orbs within you. Sun, Earth, and Black Sun. To achieve this is to truly be a scholar of the arm's reach and find comfort in a shattered cosmos. 



Yuvie (Ornero)

Yooooo!!! I super duper appreciate this big lore drop, and it adds so much delicious clarificaton and connection! I hadn't the slightest clue that the world scheme could be / is related to Freud's Id, Ego, and Super Ego! Thank you for uploading this! The vertical illustration is also a great work in its own right, and pairs really well to visually demonstrate the realms and their connection!