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 afternoon my dears! Well, another day has came upon ourselves and I am simply exhausted, dearest me! However I am feeling quite hopeful for many things. I have another interview on Friday, so perhaps I'll finally land that second part time job. Home searching still, and perhaps I may get lucky at some time. Until then...well..hopes for the future, oh yes indeed!

- Silver Lids-

The cold of winters, through valley of silences long past kept

blanketed the soil whose memories were fragments better wept

and if you were so kind to me, a flower would beckon and kneed

to which I would walk with you through the garden of your deed

Though you see, hope in compassion is seldom given with trust

until the valley stirs in silence for the petals to turn in dust

Young men and women...have devotion in your emotion..

 For the winters are cold, and true kindness comes from the bold

Inspired by Vanilla's "To Me ( Soiree ) which can be found here https://youtu.be/M4NC_kWsDTY


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