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Good evening my dears! And a happy first day of November too. I hope you all didn't party too much last night. From what I hear a few of you may have got a belly ache full of candy, or maybe got too spooked with a movie or two. 

I just wanted to thank everyone for sticking with me another month. It's...eh...it's been a rough last year for us hasn't it? I'll admit that I've been preoccupied ever since I got down to Vegas. Just trying to take things a day at a time. 

It's been a challenge trying to find the energy, and some days, the will even to sit down and work with art when that pull to distract myself or go to bed is strong. A lot of days it's worry and work. I know a lot of us feel that way too. So there hasn't been a lot of discussion on it from my end. We all got a thing or two on our shoulders. 

But I didn't want to let this one day slip by to tell you all how much I appreciate you sticking with me here. We're still weathering this storm together. 

So I wanted to work on a piece that in some way expressed that feeling we might have. A feeling of a treasure trove in our minds, and a heart bleeding just a bit of its light for awhile. 

We're going to make it through this. Until then, you just continue taking care of yourselves, and if you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to drop a line. 



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