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  • revered sadness of a scholar.mp4



Good evening my dears! I hope you are doing alright tonight! 

Up for download and viewing is a piece I call "revered sadness of a scholar " Inspired by an unknown song from Stargate SG1 the series. I calls 'em as I see's 'em. 


The scholars of the arm's reach have about them the curious stones of an unknown make. Whose smoothed surface was made just as diligently as their wit to hold onto them. 

No one knows where they came from nor why they are, but there is a gentleness to them. A silent promise of creation and all that dwell within it.

Some would say that to look upon the stones is to invite the sound of a calm and deep ocean. Others that to gaze long enough upon them, one can see a light within themselves. Perhaps one similar to a moon... 

The orbs offer a profound comfort for those willing to receive their weight. Not so dissimilar to the weight of the goddess they honor who bears many moons of her own upon her back in these eternal nights. 

Through tears they honor this divine sacrifice, for she asks for nothing in return. Yet the tears do reach her yet. And in their congregation they are....like an ocean...calm and deep.

The truth is a sad one. Tears can be unending in this terrifying place...yet they have their place. And as the scholars have proven...we are not alone with either. 

We have each other. 



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