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Well good morning to all you wonderful and fine people! Now maybe some of you are up and maybe some of you aren't. Well I hope you're having some good dreams today. Just don't let the alarm clock bother you too much. You know, I wanted to thank you for taking the time and visiting this page. I feel like I don't really vocalize all that often how grateful I really am of your support. Maybe you're a visitor, maybe you're not here for the long run, but whatever the case is, you're being good to me now.

So a little surprise I decided to go to work on just for you all today, three comics to start your morning. Granted these aren't Sunday funnies...and it's not Sunday......but you might be familiar with at least one of them! If you're not...well..I would seriously suggest catching up on them!

For your viewing pleasure we have the first page of " Date out of the blue " with the next page of " Life can Succubus " and lastly as an added bonus and this will only be on Patreon for a bit, the next page of " A Bat followed me home " So feel free to download the three files, check them out, and hopefully enjoy! You've been good to me today, now hopefully I can be good to you! :)


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