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Good morning my dears! I hope you are doing alright today! 

Up for download and viewing is a piece made for a dear friend of mine whose birthday is today. With music by Sam Gellaitry " Atlantis " which can be found here https://youtu.be/rCbdYXqJ5vE

 TheMiles is one of those enigma artists whose work seems to really prove itself as something unique and special but they unfortunately fall beneath the radar. 

They work really hard on their art, as well as a recent game project, and if you are curious to see some of their work, or would just like to leave them some birthday well wishes, you can find their gallery here. 


Lastly, they have a patreon as well if you're interested in supporting their work! 



Those that go on running, who go on hiding beneath the endless nights, yearn in unending desperation for control. The ability to hold onto even one thing in a universe they have come to believe takes on a sharpened shape...that it will take everything from them. 

But the moon promises something different, something soft in its rounded, dull form. A shape nurtured equally on all sides until it may appear even as a ring...a shifting ring in perpetuity. The celestial orbs of the scholar murmur when stared into, and should one peer deep enough into their shape, they may begin to hear the sounds of a deep and gentle ocean. 

The truths derived from these symbols and spheres are naturally profane to those disturbed by the act of existence, but the knowledge reveals itself most through the release of tears. A sympathetic gesture, and proof of a deeper yearning which stirs in many still.

Woeful eyes search for answers across the universe through silent gardens of humless stars, and fallen debris of primordial wounds. But the answers sought have always remained the same: Where is family? Where is home?



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