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Good evening my dears! I hope you are doing alright tonight! 

Decided to use this day as a breather and to work on a little something outside of the project. " Looking " was Inspired by P.SUS's " Losing My Mind " from their album Groovy Star which can be found here https://fanlink.to/psusGS


Some days as I walk on forward, I feel it, this sense that I've been drained. That despite each and every hope and wish I had that seems so long ago, I feel emptied like so many others. 

Many of us have lived life sparingly. That with great intentions we've been told " Life is short, make the most of it! " and been set on a path of fleeting joys, and untold emptiness, worried we have never done enough, fast enough, good enough. 

Some of us have come to see this world as nothing more than a race to the finish, to which all manner of outsider beware the competition...

...The longer we have lived this way, the more comfortable we have become with removing our compassion if not for others, then for ourselves. We have marched to the beat of this drum and stomped our feet, screaming angrily into nothingness. 

We have turned on each other, grown removed of our living now, peering off into futures we yearn for and disbelieve in. We have become more agreeable to mutual destruction.  Our reward for this....is nothing.

When will we be good enough? When will we ever truly be accepted? When will we ever feel safe again? When does happiness finally come without the price tag on some fancy box?

We....are not unreachable. Nor are we unstoppable. But we are on a path, and moving are we always. This life twists us and turns, but we have made it this far together...we cannot turn on each other so easily...we cannot lose sight of what gives it meaning. It is us, ourselves and each other.  

If your path has lead you towards hate before forgiveness then you must look deeper again. 

If your path has lead you to relish in the punishment of others, then you must look deeper again. 

If your path has lead you to diminishing joys and suffering flowing....then you must look deeper again. 

We have been drained, you and I. We've been drained of our patience and our compassion...our love...and we need it in our hearts now more than ever.  We must keep looking.



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