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Good afternoon my dears! I hope you are doing alright today! 

Just poking my head in real quick today. Some of my progress got hampered last night with the rare ocular aura rearing its ugly head on me which meant painkillers and lots of pathetic groaning from the bed. 

I had to call out of work today, I'm taking things a bit easier while I try to rest my eyes and mind every half hour or so, but each day is taking another step forward for Version 1.4 of SDS-XS- 

I'm going through some more music here as the section progresses further, and continuing to update the character sprite sheets with each new scene. 

One of my favorite things I've come to learn while working on this VN is my inability to make a set amount of expressions. Going through my recent character folder, I realized I've already made so far 133 facial expressions between three characters. THREE CHARACTERS! I'd say I have a problem but who am I kidding, I love adding variety. 

I'm still not sure when I'm going to finish up with this particular segment but I don't want any one thinking they're being left in the dark here. Like a lot of my stuff, the bulk of my stories, especially the more meaningful parts, happen in the moment, and so I tend to creep things in that I never expected to at the start. That or they just, like, smack me upside the head at two in the morning as is the LITERAL case with this entire segment I've been working on here.

But seeing it all come together like it has so far has been a blast, so thanks for baring with me while I get everything ironed out. 

 I'm going to try and pace myself here especially with having to catch up with my shift tomorrow, and I hope everyone here paces themselves too. Last thing we need to be doing is running ourselves into the ground. So please take care, and remember......cherry blossom trees.  



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