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  • Wish of the gates.mp4



Good afternoon my dears! I hope you are doing alright today! Up for download and viewing is a piece I call " Wish of the Gates " Inspired by Pogo's " Hot Ziggity " which can be found here https://youtu.be/Q_hQ1h1Arl4


 As creatives, we are not only aware of our desires to express our  feelings and ideas, but also the bridge between dreams and action.  Beneath that bridge is the conundrum of our anxiety, the doubt in our  abilities, and the fear that those doubts are so unique, we are  incapable, unlike any one else, to get creative.

And it is important to remember we are all creative in some way, even if  it is difficult for some compared to others. But the ability is still  there. We are more alike than unalike in the things that matter. That  realization is just buried under years of doubtful patterns and wounded  pride.  

For most of us, we see creativity as a radical thought. We worry and  fear the idea that our visions and mental imagery are either too  arrogant, egotistical, or childish to be worthy of being worked with.  The reality could not be further from the truth.

We have to acknowledge that the reverse is true. That we are arrogant to  assume ourselves incapable compared to anyone else. That our pride and  ego is getting in the way of our thought processes because we don't want  to look " Like Fools " when the truly foolish thing is to not try at  all. That our true childish behavior is refusing to take part in an  experience I can only describe as emotionally transcending our own  barriers, on the premise that we embarrass ourselves in front  of...someone.

It's important to understand the play is the thing. It's the whole  thing. Every day that we are at it, everywhere we go, anyone we talk  with or any work we do. It's all a thing of play in some form or  another, even if some of it is not so enjoyable.

So it's vital then to have fun in the things of play you DO have control  over, that IS yours and only yours. I want you to stop making excuses,  stop letting your doubts be your answer. No more worries about money, no  more talk about doubt you will be recognized or popularized. No more  reaching goals or looking for the utility of this. Just have FUN playing  with shapes.  

It's time to use the keys we have available and to open the gates in us that deserve to be open.

I know you can do it, that's not a suggestion, it's a truth. I just need you to make the truth stick.                     



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