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  • Alexor the Transitioner.mp4



Good morning my dears! I hope you are doing alright today!

Up for download and viewing is a piece I call " Prayer of Alexor: The Artistic Transition " Inspired by Soma Hayato's " All Blue " which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/soma-hayato/all-blue


What is there for those who only see the half of things? Who deny the resolution of the whole? Permanence perhaps? Incomplete the path, and supposedly what is to be never comes? Is the denial of this transition truly our answer then to our nature or merely the obstruction of it? 

What does it mean for our creativity, our expression and individuality? Are only the naturally talented and worthy deserving of these " Gifts " by inheritance of their genes,  the connections and popularity they have, or the luck they seemingly posses? Or is this once again our denial of what we know is deep down inside ourselves?

All women and men are capable of creativity. This is not a suggestion, it is a truth. What then divides us so? What makes it possible for some to channel their inner visions into expression and others not so? 

Courage. Patience....faith.

These are the disciplines we must honor and hone to understand ourselves and that inner channel. 

Courage to know our weakness, for to know a weakness is to acknowledge it exists. 

Courage to search not for the greed of self acquisition but for release.  

Patience to  understand we cannot nor should not set about attempting to destroy the flaws which compose us , but to instead incorporate their negative meanings into our positive attributions.  

Faith...to outgrow our arrogance the world is only to destroy our dreams, or that it very well could to begin with. 

Faith to surpass our ego and pride that we are unworthy of the craft, that our time is wasted on ourselves, or that we are fools to acknowledge this yearning to build. 

It is without contention in your greatest interest to not abstain or fear the transition of who you are into what you will be. That you allow your character to complete the cycle as that like the moon...

...So that you may gravitate around the greater bodies of the profound and the unknown. 

This is not your destruction. This is your miracle.  



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