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Good morning my dears, I hope you are doing well today. After a few days of driving and seeing the curious valleys as well towns, I have finally arrived to Wisconsin. While I have been quite busy getting myself settled and seeing to the new climate, it has been a very rewarding and gratifying journey. 

To help commemorate this safe arrival, I simply had to start us off in the first few days of September right. This is a piece I call " The Shadow Fox Way " Inspired by Jeesh's " Pure Etherium Old Draft "  which is unfortunately no longer available for viewing 

In a small valley, in a smaller village there had been a boy who had learned how to paint. It was something that came naturally to him from a young age for it made him happy when he did so. 

Every day he would be asked by someone to paint for them.

" Urcheke, please draw the sun for I want to see what warmth looks like. "

And so he would paint the sun, he would paint the sky, he would paint the clouds. With each and every painting he would improve.  He would be given money and lavished with praise, spoken of elsewhere and admired.

 but he did not feel any more happy than when he started. The more he received, the less he felt altogether.

When sadness crept into his canvas, he too crept away from the village and climbed the valley to the tallest hill. He stared at the dark sky and asked: 

" I am praised, I am great. I am given luxury and pride like a king. Why do I feel lesser than such; why does this not feel true? " 

The sky did not answer, but a shadow of a fox on a stone wall did.

" All that you posses is for and is not for you. Gold for your time, praise for your name, and luxury for your pride. Men and women fill their days with envy and valuables, and present arrogance as certainty. You leave little room in you for living, life, or love. "

The shadow fox danced around the boy and the stone, so the boy asked:

" Then how can I find happiness again? " 

The boy began to mimic the movements of the fox to its great delight.

" If you choose to act for the sake of money, then it will only ever be for money. If you choose to act for a name, then it will only ever be for a name. You cannot trick this truth with lies. If you wish to act for happiness, then do what makes you happy. If you do what makes you happy, then you will know harmony. This is the shadow fox way! " 





Nice work on this. Glad to hear the move went well and you made it there safely.