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Chapter 10

It was the middle of the night. Most of the city was asleep by now. A carriage rolled past the street in front of the apartment, its wheels grinding against the cobblestone. Tonight, Robyn had called over the only three men she knew in the city.

"Alright, gents. I'm enlisting your help to get me oiled up and ready for an important shoot. Consider yourselves lucky, just don't take this to mean anything beyond that!" Robyn explained.

"I-I can't believe I'm in Robyn Clemrose's home…" Nelson, the elven mage friend of Twinkle's, started huffing the air like a dog.

Joining him were Dane and Tomas. All three sat awkwardly in Robyn's room that was made more cramped with Sienna and Twinkle in here, too.

"So, what exactly are we doing?" Tomas raised his hand to ask.

"We're going to have s… se… ahem. Sex!" Robyn mustered enough courage to get it out.

The three of them froze. Their jaws slackened. Nelson tipped over and fell backwards.

"Wait, you can't be serious?" Dane flustered and turned as red as a tomato. "I thought we were going to talk about a shoot or something. You… You want to have sex with us?"

"Don't pretend you haven't been getting hard during the shoots, Dane. I see your erections. Tomas, too. I've only been sucking your dick, but it's going to go inside me eventually. Better get it over with now. As for Nelson… I honestly didn't know who else to ring up. But before we get any further, which one of you bastards porked me during the stuck portal porno?" Robyn folded her arms and glared at them with the fury of the demon lord.

Dane tensed up, and Nelson leaped to his feet. Robyn knew it had to have been one of them. They knew she knew, since they were the only ones on the other side of that portal.

"It… It was me…" Nelson confessed.

"Thought you could take advantage of me, HUH?" Robyn cracked her knuckles on both hands.

"I'm sorry! When you told me to just do it, I th-thought you meant it as an invitation!" he exclaimed apologetically.

"I meant to jerk off! Sheesh. I'll let it slide because it was a misunderstanding, but unless I actually tell you to stick it in my pussy, don't stick it in my pussy!"

Off to the side, Sienna and Twinkle snickered under their breaths. Robyn whirled around on them, and the two pursed their lips.

"Okay, team." Sienna cleared her throat. "Robyn wants some practice because her next big shoot is a gangbang. Let's start with the blowjob. Tomas and Robyn, you both are experienced enough to know how we're acting for the camera. Depending on the angle, you kind of have to finesse your body to face the audience. So, everyone whip your dicks out."

"Yeah, very funny." Robyn rolled her eyes and kneeled down.

All three men dropped their pants, Dane and Nelson more awkwardly than Tomas. They were rock hard. A stark contrast to Robyn, who turned into jelly at the sight of two more dicks than she was used to. They were so shapely and different. Nelson's dick was straight half-way, then curved up in the second half. Dane had a thicker tip but slightly thinner shaft which looked like a club.

"What's wrong, Robyn? You've seen plenty of dicks before even as a guy," Sienna teased.

"Shut up! I was part of the giving end, not the receiving end!" Robyn fumed, steaming from her pointed red ears.

"Well, you are now. So grab two with your hands and start giving head to the third. Doesn't matter who. Just pick someone and start going at it," she instructed amusedly.

Robyn swallowed her hesitation and picked Tomas first. His was the most normal-looking one, slightly above average than she used to be. She was also accustomed to blowing him. After getting a good sucking rhythm, she put her hands on Dane and Nelson's throbbing dicks.

It was finally happening. Robyn was getting it on with more than one person. Outside of a porno shoot, too. The fact that they weren't doing it for money or for the studio made it all the more exciting. Glancing up, the lustful gazes of her sex partners turned on the faucet between her legs.

"That's it, Robyn! Don't face the guy you're sucking off straight on. Tomas, that goes for you, too. Angle yourselves so that we can see more of Robyn. Dane, unbutton her blouse. Let's see some tits!" Sienna was getting more into it after each instruction.

Tomas shifted to the side, closer to Dane, giving Sienna a clear straight look at them. She would be where one the cameras get positioned. Soon, Dane had Robyn's blouse open and her breasts in plain view. That was apparently too much for Nelson to handle. Strings of ejaculate landed on her hair and face.

"Hey, watch it! You almost shot cum in my eyes!" Robyn complained.

"Sorry, I can't help it! I'm still in disbelief that I'm getting a handjob from Robyn Clemrose… in person— nngh!" Nelson shot another load, this time getting it all over her breasts.

Robyn, Sienna, and Tomas fell silent. The three of them stared at Nelson in disbelief. There was something about him that he hadn't noticed about himself. Something that was abnormal for men in general.

"Hold still," Robyn said, shuffling away from Tomas to position herself in front of Nelson instead.

"Huh? Wait— ahh!" Nelson shuddered in ecstasy as soon as Robyn put his dick into her mouth.

This thing was still rock solid. His legs nearly gave way, so she backed him into the wall and continued sucking.

"I must be in heaven… Getting a blowjob from my favorite porn actress… Your mouth is so hot… I'm going to…!" Nelson blew his third load down her throat, and it was still erect.

"What's with your dick, man? You came three times in two minutes. How are you still so hard? I had to take elixirs to keep it up when I had a dick!" Robyn wiped the cum dripping down her lips.

"Isn't… Isn't this normal?" he recovered enough of his senses to ask.

"It's not normal," everyone replied at once.

"Nelson, if you learn to control your climaxes, you'd make for a highly sought-after actor. Studios love an actor who can shoot multiple loads without going soft. Cordy might even hire you, which means you get to keep having sex with Robyn," Tomas whispered.

"Don't give the guy any ideas!" Robyn interjected.

"Sex with… Robyn…" The fan shot one final load without anyone touching him and slumped to the floor, passed the fuck out.

Robyn patted Nelson on the cheek, but he was down for the count.

"Look at him. He's still hard even while unconscious," Sienna said.

"Might have a problem on his hands if he doesn't eventually go soft," Tomas warned.

"That's not our problem. You and Dane are still raring to go. Next is the actual fucking. Who's up first?" Robyn braced her hands on the bed and stuck her butt out to them.

Tomas and Dane played a quick game of saber, archer, and lancer. Tomas won. He positioned himself behind Robyn, and Dane got onto the bed to get his dick sucked. However, when Tomas rubbed the tip of his dick against her pussy, she angled away and had second thoughts.

"What's wrong, Robyn? Getting cold feet?" Sienna asked.

"C-C-Condoms! We need condoms, right? I'm not about to become a mom," Robyn said.

"Oh, in that case… How about these condoms I got from Sword & Sheath?" Tomas fished out from his backpack a couple of boxes of some outrageous-looking condoms. "I got Goblin Feels. It's ribbed and full of warts for women's pleasure! Lightning Wyrm, which provides small shocks to both partners. Or this! I got my hands on a Cockdom Prosthetics prototype made with slime and living earth. This one is Equus Schlong. When I put on the condom, it inflates up to look like a horse—"

"What the fuck kind of a pervert do you take me for?!" She slapped all three boxes out of his hands.

"Wow, what? These are new S&S stuff? Cockdom Prosthetics isn't even out yet!" Dane exclaimed, picking them back up to check out.

"Yeah. Cordy and Sylvia penciled me in for a commercial shoot with them later next month. They've been sending me new products to try on," he said.

Sword & Sheath was the undisputedly most popular condom brand in the world. They made some crazy stuff as evidenced by the condoms Tomas had shown them. Although their main sell were condoms, S&S also designed and manufactured dental dams, lube, sex toys, and more.

But what the hell? Cordelius never got in touch with them to get Robyn a commercial shoot. Was there something Tomas had she didn't? Well… other than a dick and pair of balls now…

"Robyn, look at this!" Dane pulled an Equus Schlong condom over his dick, and it bloated up to a foot and a half long pink cock with splotches of black along the shaft.

"It actually works! S&S is genius!" Tomas exclaimed, putting one on himself.

The two sparred using their giant horse cocks as swords.

"My coworkers are idiots…" Robyn put a hand to her face.

"Don't lie." Sienna nudged her from behind. "If you still had a dick, you'd be doing the same shit."

"No… I wouldn't… Q-Quit screwing around already! Do you want to keep cock fighting or do you want to fuck me instead?" she yelled.

They begrudgingly pulled off the Equus Schlong prosthetic condoms and put on normal ones instead. Robyn waited anxiously. She felt Tomas' hand on her hip again, and the other hand slowly guided his wrapped penis into her pussy. As soon as the tip slipped in, her whole body shuddered.

"Whoa, Robyn! Did I put it in too fast? Sorry!" Tomas apologized.

"I'm fine… Just a little sensitive, I guess. Keep going," Robyn encouraged him, clenching her fingers on the bed sheets.

This sensation was insanely pleasurable. It was much better than when Nelson had shoved it in during the stuck porno. Eventually, their hips connected. Tomas had gone as deep as he could go, and Robyn was in ecstasy. An orgasm rippled through her in waves just from him putting it in. She wondered how her own pussy felt. Judging by the brief moaning quips from Tomas, it must be good.

"I'll start moving now," Tomas said, and as he did, Dane brandished his own dick in front of her face.

Without any need for instructions, Robyn began giving him head. Sex… with two men. One in front of her, and the other behind. This was a spit-roast, the most common sex position two guys and one girl could perform. Sienna had taken this position before. Did she enjoy it this much, too?

"Come on, Robyn! We need you to make some noise. The guys will love it!" Sienna exclaimed.

"Go, Robyn! Go! Go, go, go!" Twinkle pumped the pom-poms in her hands, illuminating the scene with her cheers.

Robyn recalled all the times she was with Sienna. With actresses from other studios and agencies. They faked their moans. However…

"Mmh… shllurrp… shllrpph… Ahh… More, faster…" Robyn found herself saying with a mouthful of dick.

However, she wasn't so sure these coquettish moans of hers were fake.

"That's it! You're so much hotter when you moan!" Sienna whooped.

Egged on by Robyn's pleas, Tomas picked up speed. Whenever their hips clapped together, she saw stars. It brought her closer to another orgasm, and since she was still sensitive from her earlier climax, this one was building up stronger than the last.

"I'm cumming, Robyn!" Tomas warned.

"Me, too… I always thought she was good at blowjobs during the shoots… Now I know how lucky you've been, Thomas…" Dane facefucked her with wild abandon.

Dane wasn't holding back either. He held Robyn by her head, thumbs stroking the length of her pointed ears. It drove her crazy. She had never been massaged there before. The assault at both ends tipped Robyn over the edge. Hot cum squirted down her gullet. Tomas dug his fingers into her butt. She convulsed intensely and came harder than ever.

"Sho… guud… I'm cumming… I'm cumming! Cumming as a girl ish amashing! God, just pound me more— aaaaahhhhh!" Robyn's eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Everyone went limp in bed, catching their breaths. Robyn in particular wouldn't stop twitching as aftershocks of her climax kept going.

"Huuu~ Robyn! If I didn't know any better, you're a natural at getting fucked. Instincts?" Sienna smirked.

"In… instincts, my ass!" Robyn retorted.

The guys were basking in the afterglow of sex.

"Robyn, you were so tight at the end there…" Tomas said, wiping the sweat from his brows.

"My turn, right?" Dane slipped on a Goblin Feels condom and swapped places with Tomas.

"Wait… Not that condom! I need to rest— ahh!"

The three of them continued well into the night and long after Sienna and Twinkle went to sleep. Before Robyn knew it, she had passed out from exhaustion.

Robyn awoke in the morning, naked in bed after having sex with Tomas, Dane, and— well, Nelson lost his chance for passing out. The three of them were sprawled all over the room. She sat up and grabbed her head.

"Fuck. I got fucked by guys and liked it…" Robyn groaned.

Knock! Knock!

That sounded like it came from the front door and not the bedroom door. Robyn threw on a long, baggy shirt that reached down to her knees. She ran her fingers down her hair to get the knots outs, but it only hurt instead and so gave up.

The knocking came again.

"Coming!" Robyn's legs were shaking intensely and her hips were sore. Damn Tomas and Dane, they fucked her way too hard last night. She braced her hands against the wall, slowly making her way to the door. When opened it, Vanesa Durang was standing before her.

"Miss Robyn, I have brought you your—" Vanessa's eyes snapped open. A jet of blood shot out of both nostrils. She fell back and hit her head on the wall behind her, then crumpled to the floor.

"M-MA'AM?!" Robyn cried.

The Republican Chevalier picked herself up unsteadily. When Robyn thought to step out and help, she noticed Squire Jayon standing there scowling.

"Forgive me." Vanessa wiped the blood from her nose. "Upon seeing your disheveled appearance, my mind was briefly overwhelmed by fantasies of what could have happened to you."

"My lady, we shouldn't dawdle for too long," Jayson reminded her.

"You're absolutely right. Miss Robyn, the purpose of our sudden visit is to give you the regalia of a Republican Chevalier. It is tailored to your measurements." She gestured down the hall, where two guards were bringing in an armor stand of the standard Chevy suit.

"This is for me?! Wait, is that okay? To be wearing it around in public?" Robyn asked.

"You most certainly should not wear it in public! It's for… Lady Vanessa's request," the squire said in a hushed tone.

Right. The porno shoot. The marshal wanted her to put this suit of armor on to act the part of a Chevy.

"What's going on?" Tomas asked from behind Robyn.

"Is that a Republican Chevalier?!" Nelson gasped.

The guys poked their heads out of the room to take a peek, not at all expecting a marshal of the Republican Chevaliers to be at the door.

"There's nothing to see here. Get back in my room and stay there!" Robyn told them.

"Th-Th-Th-Three men in your room?!" Vanessa exclaimed, firing blood out of her nose again.

"It's not what you're thinking! Er… Fuck. Well, it is what you're probably thinking…" she stammered.

"I shall… remember this… always." The marshal collapsed to the ground and twitched her final death throes.

The two Chevies carried the armor rack into the apartment, then returned to help their marshal to her feet. They marched away, but the squire stayed behind with some final words to say.

"Remember, this stays between us. If Lady Vanessa's reputation is besmirched by any misbegotten rumors regarding her predilections, I'll know it was you." Jayson turned his nose up and followed after them.

"Damn. Who stuck a ribbed dildo up his ass?" Robyn shut the door.

Every piece of the Chevy armor had been taken off the rack. Tomas wore the helmet, Nelson had on the chainmail, and Dane was trying to get the gauntlets and greaves on.

"Hey, hey, hey! Get your mitts off my armor. You heard the Chevy. It's mine! You all had your fun last night running train on me, so get going! And keep what happened last night and what you saw this morning a secret!" She took every piece of armor back and shooed them out of the apartment.

Once they were gone, Robyn tried it on herself. She put on the light, woolen undergarment first. The chainmail shirt went over next. After putting on the greaves and gauntlets, she threw on the tabard to complete the look. The whole thing was heavy. But by god did she look good.

The sound of keys jingled from the other side of the door.

"Do you think Robyn's awake?"

"That horny bitch is probably going for round two—"

The door swung open. Sienna and Twinkle paused at the doorway with bags of groceries in hand.

"Guys, look! I'm a Chevy— Shit! HELP—!" Robyn tipped over and fell flat on her face. She tried to push herself up, but the weight of the armor was too much to handle. Instead, she flailed a hand up to her friends.

"Robyn, what the hell are you doing?" Sienna loomed over her and asked.

"Wow! Your new armor looks so shiny, I can even see myself!" Twinkle giggled in front of the helmet.

"Ughh… A little… help?" she cried.


Chapter 10 - Gangbang Practice.pdf


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