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Chapter 9

"So, Robyn Clemrose. 25 years of age. In good health, if not in need of a little cardio a few times a week. And… transformed into the female gender," Doctor Seether said, glancing up from his clipboard.

"It's true, Doc. I lost my poolstick and billiards. But I got these decent melons and a money-making clam in exchange!" Robyn exclaimed proudly.

The old, human doctor flashed a troubled look past his thick glasses. Doctor Gerald Seether was his name. He ran Hopeland Clinic, a hospital managed by the clergy of Hope's Church and where Robyn's insurance covered.

Today, Robyn decided to drop by the hospital for a check-up. Sienna strongly insisted. After getting creampied raw— and Robyn had yet to find out who— she figured picking up some contraceptives and getting checked for diseases would be the smart thing to do. It was routine for someone in her line of work anyway.

However, this was the first time coming to the hospital since the genderswap. Robyn had avoided it all this time, but extenuating circumstances demanded she come. After all, the risk of getting pregnant would put an end to her career.

"Unfortunately, Miss Clemrose, you becoming the opposite gender voids your insurance. I won't be able to help you until it's resolved," Dr. Seether explained apologetically.

"What? How does becoming a woman screw over my insurance?" Robyn leaped to her feet and cried.

"As you know, Hope's Church offers individuals and companies a variety of health insurance packages. Seeing to the health of different genders, non-genders, and transgenders requires different tools and fields of specialization. It also states here that Adventurers Gone Wild had picked the lowest tier insurance, 'Some Hope' for you. As a male," he added.

Cordy. That greedy fucking imp!

"I can't believe he didn't bother updating my coverage! Wait… You're telling me, all that time my employer had me covered with poor man's insurance? Just to have your finger stuck up my ass?" Robyn asked.

"That's a rude way of putting it. Don't underestimate the importance of prostate health! If you like, I can enroll you into another insurance suited to your… new form as an individual, separate from your workplace. From the lowest to highest, it will cost 50, 200, and 500 kleins per month. The lowest offers—"

"Fuck it. I don't want Some Hope. Give me the highest tier. I'll have Cordy compensate me later," she said.

Poor Tomas probably has the same shitty insurance now.

Dr. Seether scribbled into the clipboard and left. He came back a few moments later, beckoned Robyn to follow him to another room, and had her sit down on a strange chair that held her legs up and spread apart. This was already a lot different than bending over to have her ass prodded.

"While the paperwork is being processed, I can see you right away since you're already here. Make sure to pay once we're done. Otherwise, the church might send collectors after you," the doctor warned.

"Is that really what a church does nowadays… Anyway, what am I expecting? You going to stick a finger into my pussy instead of my ass?" Robyn asked.

"Something like that. You enrolled into the highest package, Best Hope, so we're going to be more thorough," he said.

"I think this clinic needs to fire whoever names your insurance packages…"

The door swung open. A blue slime woman dressed in black, short-sleeved scrubs entered the room. A white coif, specific to the Hope's Church sisters, wrapped her neck and shoulders.

"Hiya! Sorry I'm late, Dr. Seether. Is this our first patient for the day? Nice to meet you! I'm Clarissa!" The excitable humanoid slime bowed.

"Uh… There's a saying for this. Three is a crowd?" Robyn shot the doctor a look for answers.

"Clarissa is Hopeland Clinic's best nurse. She's going to insert an appendage into your vagina to better determine your health," Dr. Seether explained.

Before Robyn could process what the doctor said, Clarissa was already between her legs. A long, wriggly tentacle emerged from the slime's gelatinous body. Panic set in.

"Wait, wait, wait! You're going to stick a slime tentacle into me? Is that sanitary?" Robyn asked.

"Don't worry!" Clarissa winked. "We slimes are slightly too acidic for germs to take root on us, but not enough to damage your insides if it's only for a few minutes."

The tentacle plunged into Robyn's hole. She threw her head back. It went in. It went all the way in. The cool, throbbing slime appendage effortlessly slithered in and out of Robyn. First, a dick yesterday. Now, a slime…

"Oh, god. I'm starting to feel weird… This is… mmh…" Robyn laid back and let it happen.

"Clarissa, are you doing your job properly or just getting her off?" Dr. Seether asked nervously.

"I'm doing my job properly! It's not my fault the patient is so sensitive!" Clarissa fired back.

"I-I am not sensitive!" she contested. "Your slimy tentacle is just… so thick, and… feels like— aahh!"

The doctor excused himself and waddled awkwardly out of the room. Clarissa's tentacle was getting too intense. When Robyn instinctively tried to close her legs, two more tentacles sprung out and pushed her apart by the knees.

"Sorry! Don't close your legs. I'm almost done, so hang in there a little while longer," Clarissa said.

"Fuck… No problem… Take your time." Robyn breathed heavily after each word.

Though, it might not be much longer before she climaxes. This feeling was insane. Mind-blowing even. Each time Clarissa's tentacle throbbed, it brought Robyn closer. There was a famous lesbian pornstar by the name of Thousand-Arms Jenny. Like Clarissa, Jenny was also a slime woman. Because of her many appendages, she was often cast in lesbian orgies and made countless actresses climax at will.

This… This must be…

"Alright, we're finished!" Clarissa yanked her tentacle right out.

"Not so fast… Nngghh— I'm cumming!" Robyn's eyes rolled back, brought to a quaking orgasm from having the slimy appendage wrenched out so quickly.

"I'm back…" Dr. Seether returned in time to find Robyn flushed red and twitching.

After everyone recomposed themselves and Robyn recovered from her orgasm, Dr. Seether read off Clarissa's findings. Overall, healthy. No magical or non-magical diseases present.

"So, uh… We're done, right?" Robyn cleared her throat.

"Yes, and here's your prescription for contraceptives. Take the note to the front desk and pay your insurance while you're at it." Dr. Seether handed her a note and sent her out.

Robyn did exactly as the doctor instructed, acquired the potion medicine to render herself temporarily infertile, and snatched a handful of free condoms on the way out of Hopeland Clinic. Might as well make that insurance worth it. She glanced up to the cloudy skies and sighed, still in disbelief over climaxing in front of the nurse.

"I might need to find a new hospital." Robyn sulked.

Hopefully this embarrassment wouldn't last forever. Robyn would hate to actually find a new physician. Ever since the royalties started rolling in, her standard of living had been rising ever so slightly. That had been a plus. But she was still far from the lap of luxury that many of the pornstars in her field have worked hard to achieve.

Time to take the insurance debacle up with Cordelius. That stingy bastard. Putting her on the lowest tier just because she was a guy at the time, and then having the gall not to change it…

Robyn turned the corner into the street where the studio was located and stopped cold. A group of knights and a carriage guarded the front of the building. She gulped hard. They were recognizable by the double-ended spear on their green tabards. The Republican Chevaliers, the elite of elite knights of the Hamisburg Republic.

What were knights of the republic doing here? It couldn't possibly be…

"Is Cordelius getting canned for taking mob money? I got to see this." Robyn stepped out and was immediately apprehended.

"This one works for Adventurers Gone Wild, doesn't she?" one guard asked.

"I think so… Lemme pull out a picture." The other brought out a whole vidcrystal case of her porno instead, then nodded.

"Wait, I think there's a mistake—"

They dragged Robyn in by the arms. The main room was empty, but there were a couple of silhouettes in Cordelius' office. Both Chevaliers let her down in front of the door and remained right there to keep her from running. The guy who had the vidcrystal case reached forward to open the door. Left with no choice, she entered the room and came under the frosty gaze of two more Chevaliers inside.

One was a tall, human woman sitting behind Cordelius' desk. The other was an incredibly young halfling man, and he stood at her side with both hands behind his back. Their tabards, though same in color as the ones behind Robyn, only the woman had gold accents and the spear was framed by gold laurels.

Cordelius, Sienna, and Twinkle each sat on a chair pulled in from the other room. The only one standing was Sylvia, who had her back to the wall and clipboard tucked underneath one arm. She looked surprisingly unbothered given the situation.

"You stand before Lady Vanessa Durang, Marshal of the Republican Chevalier's Third Legion." The boy Chevy's voice came out shaky and nervous, like a child trying their hand at playing adult.

"Very good, Squire Jayson. You may leave the room now. Wait for me outside," Lady Vanessa said.

"Huh?" Jayson spun on her like he couldn't believe what she said. "B-But, my lady. As your squire, my place can only be by your—"

"I can handle it from here," she assured him tersely.

The squire straightened his back, saluted, and marched out along with the other two.

"What the fuck did you do this time, Cordy?" Robyn whispered.

"Hell if I know! The Chevies showed up out of nowhere and barged in!" Cordelius replied, trembling more than when he met with the mob.

"Now that we are alone…" Lady Vanessa stood up and came around the desk, staring Robyn directly in the eyes.

It was so quiet, they could hear the barker on the streets.

"Robyn Clemrose, I'm your biggest fan!" she exclaimed passionately

"Huh? HUH?" Everyone's jaws dropped.

The image of the righteous knight that was Marshal Vanessa Durang shattered in an instant, replaced by a glittery-eyed, squealing fangirl. She grabbed Robyn's hand and shook with a strong vise.

Vanessa was a towering woman. Her short, dark brown hair would have been a bob if not for the sides flaring out. A blue jewel fashioned into a dove pierced her right earlobe. It was the crest of the Durang family, who had close political ties with the Hamisburg senate.

"N-Nice to meet you… I hope you wash your hands, too…" Robyn blurted out.

Having a female fan would have been great, if Robyn was still a guy. However, judging by Vanessa's reaction, it was precisely because she wasn't a guy.

"To meet the Robyn in person at last… I instantly became a fan when I saw the porno of you being surrounded by goblins. That delicate and petite body of yours… defiled by wretched creatures I oft drench my sword of their blood in. Oh~ If only I was like you. I want to be taken so violently and humiliated, too!" Vanessa cried enviously.

"Help! We have a real pervert in the house!" Robyn tried to pull away, but it was in vain against Vanessa's greater strength.

"Ahem. Marshal, I would like to remind you that the studio is on a schedule. Please save the fangirling for when we hold fan meet-ups or visit conventions," Sylvia said to everyone's surprise.

"By my forked tail. You were in on this? Why didn't you tell me!" Cordelius complained.

"Because you would have forgotten it anyway. The marshal has been sending countless letters asking to meet with us. Only recently did I find time to slot her in," she explained with professional poise and a sneaky swipe at her boss.

Countless letters? Where were people like Vanessa before Robyn became a woman?

"My apologies." Vanessa let go of Robyn's hand and recomposed herself. "I've come to ask for a request. I'm interested in sponsoring and producing your next film. All expenses will come out of my pocket, your studio will retain sales rights, and my name will remain anonymous."

"Oh, ho-ho! You got my full attention now, lady knight!" Cordelius leaned forward in his seat.

In the world of porn, there sometimes came a moment of great relief or trepidation for its actors and actresses. When a benefactor was willing to drop an ass-load of money to see their idea come to life, it was usually to sate their own fetishes and kinks. This was great for a studio or production company, since the finances were taken care of by said benefactor. However, since Robyn already got a taste of what Vanessa had the hots for…

The Chevy continued, "I want Robyn Clemrose to star in a film as a Republican Chevalier, who, during an excursion, is defeated and taken advantage of by real savage brutes like orcs in the wilds!"

Usually, what the benefactor wanted wasn't what the ones to be acting in it wanted. But this time, after discovering such a passionate fan and recently learning how great sex as a woman could be, Robyn had her interest… piqued.

"Hold on, what do you mean real?" Sienna confronted the knight. "In case you missed it, the adventurer in Adventurers Gone Wild is in name only. You'll be putting Robyn in harm's way!"

"Naturally, a few of my most trusted confidantes who can keep this a secret shall protect you. We will provide protection both magical and non-magical to guard the crew," Vanessa explained.

That didn't just mean having sex with one. It likely meant sex with several… deep in the forest… with god knows what lived out there.

"I… I'll do it," Robyn said.

"You will?!" Vanessa and Sienna snapped to her with wildly different expressions.

"Well… Obviously," she began after clearing her throat, "I want to know all that it entails and what safety measures you'll be taking. I'm planning to take this female body of mine to new heights— until I get back to being a guy, I mean! That's the end goal. For now though, I gotta make potions out of herbs with what I have. Also, I just paid a premium for better health insurance, so Cordy and I have some words to mince over compensation."

"Oh. Ahh… You know how it is! We've been busy filming and—"

"Need I remind you of the Fair Labor Laws of the Republic?" Sylvia appeared behind him, cloaked in the shadow of wrath incarnate.

By the end of the day, Vanessa handed the finer details off to Cordelius and Sylvia. Robyn got her premium health insurance covered by the stingy director. Everyone retired home for the day.

Too bad there was no rest for the wicked. To shoot something so ambitious, Robyn needed a little training. Who better than her own colleagues and acquaintances?

"So, you want to bring three guys over to gangbang you and have me coach you to act better? Here I thought you were trying to be nice by making us dinner." Sienna raised a brow from across the table filled with food fit for a lord.

"It sounds like a great idea! I'm in!" Twinkle exclaimed while tearing into some taffy.

"Please, Sienna! You're one of the most successful actresses I know in this business! I want to catch up to the likes of you, Lilia, and other porn stars while I still have this body!" Robyn pleaded.

Roasted boar, quail eggs, fresh crunchy greens straight from the farmer's market, mead, mead, and more mead. For Twinkle, just because Robyn liked the tiny pixie's company, she bought a huge bowl of mixed candies.

"How did you even afford all this?" Sienna asked, tossing a handful of quail eggs into her mouth.

"Mob dropped me a fat sum of kleins for letting them make that statue of me, remember? I might've also flashed the grocer in the market. Man, having tits is great! If I flaunted my dick, someone would sic the guards on me," Robyn explained without a hint of shame.

"I still think you should reconsider doing that pervy Chevy's thing. If you ask me, nothing good ever comes from a sponsorship," she said.

"Aw, come on. Can't you be happy for me that someone was a crazy enough fan to do this? If I don't take on bigger and wilder roles, I'll never hit the big leagues!"

"I never said I wouldn't help! Just don't say I didn't warn you…" The draph frowned.


Chapter 9 - A Special Request.pdf


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