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Chapter 7

"And… action!" Cordelius signaled.

The scene had been set. A dilapidated stone tower in the middle of the forest, covered in a tangle of vines and overgrowth. The door had been busted open and rested flat inside. Tree branches swayed to the occasional gust of winds playing a chorus with their rustling leaves. In the distance, a wolf howled.

Kneeling within the first floor of the old tower was a young, bright-eyed human archaeologist. He inspected a pile of books on the ground that had been knocked off the shelves. Something behind him caught his attention. He gazed back to find an elven woman running up to him in slow-motion, hair fluttering, and dressed in a priest's habit. She sat down on a fallen bookcase and kicked her foot up on another. The length of her slender leg separated the archaeologist from the book pile he was inspecting.

"I see you don't have a healer here at your dungeon." Robyn smiled.

Tomas glanced around the ruined tower, baffled. "I'm not at a dungeon, this is a watchtower."

"No adventuring party is safe without a healer," she insisted and nibbled lightly on her lower lip.

"The entrance is literally five feet away, lady… What… What are you even doing here?" he asked.

Tomas was about to get up until Robyn pushed him back down.

"You can relax. You're safe now. Your healer is here." Robyn winked.

"O… kay." Tomas slowly and reluctantly returned to rifling through the books.

Meanwhile, Robyn kept a half-hearted vigil over the floor. She shot to her feet and lit a censer hanging from her waist. Smoke and fragrant fumes billowed out, quickly filling the room.

"Get out of the dungeon! There's a monster!" Robyn cried.

"A m-monster?" Tomas coughed violently from the suffocating smoke.

"Come on, get out!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the tower.

"Wait, there's no monster inside the tower. I can clearly see through the smoke!" he fired back.

Both of them glanced back inside. The smoke was already beginning to clear.

"Aren't you glad you had a healer here to save you?" Robyn pulled him a little farther away from the tower entrance.

"I… guess?" Tomas shook his head as if snapping from a daze. "Wait, no! I think you should go. There's obviously no need for you to be here."

She sidled right up to him and said, "I think I should stay and give you a blowjob for your troubles."

"Oh… okay." He nodded.

Robyn proceeded to suck Tomas off for the remainder of the scene in a series of super close-up fellatio shots. By the time they were done, her stomach was churning with ejaculate.

"That's a wrap, everyone! Great work today!" Cordelius exclaimed.

"Whew. You were really going at it," Tomas said, tossing Robyn a bottle of water.

"Thanks, but we've only been doing blowjob flicks… My jaw is getting kind of sore." Robyn rinsed her mouth and spat.

Their last two flicks were just sucking and fondling. The previous one, Sienna had joined for a double blowjob. Tomas, that bastard. Living Robyn's dream. Unfortunately, it wasn't a dream she could live anymore as a woman. Especially as a woman without a dick.

Although blowjob-only flicks sold decently, they didn't make bank like penetrative sex did. Cordelius and Sylvia were likely holding back on Robyn's account.

"Hey, Cordy!" Robyn stormed up to the director, who was in the middle of a discussion with Sylvia.

"Oh, well if it isn't the Blowjob Queen Robyn. How's my favorite fellatio girl?" Cordelius grinned.

"D-Don't go giving me weird titles like that. Besides, Blowjob Queen already belongs to the lamia, Yaya. Damn, I would've loved to have done a scene with her before I lost my dick… More importantly, I got a bone to pick with you. When are you putting me into an actual sex flick next?" she asked.

Both of them regarded her with surprise.

"What's with the sudden change of heart?" Sylvia adjusted her glinting glasses.

"Robyn watched a porno where Lilia got gangbanged by goblins," Sienna said, waltzing up to them with a teasing smile.

"No, I didn't! Okay, I did watch it, but… th-that's not the reason! A guy needs money. I might be a chick now, but I still want to rise to the top of the charts. That means… even if I have to… have sex… like this." Robyn grew less and less confident after each word, but money signs had replaced Cordelius' pupils.

"Robyn, my golden goose! Why didn't you say so sooner? Sylvia, I want you to cancel all my meetings this week and pull a shoot first thing tomorrow!" He rubbed his grimy hands together, and Robyn was suddenly not so confident anymore.

"Are you sure?" the secretary asked cautiously. "Tomorrow noon, you have—"

Cordelius brushed Sylvia off and pulled Robyn aside.

"That sounded important. Sylvia's the studio secretary for a good reason," Robyn said.

"Ah, Sylvia sticks to the book too much. When you wanna make money, you gotta break a few rules. You like money, too, don'tcha? That's how you moved up to a sweet new pad. Now imagine, you rise to the top of this industry as a pornstar like the Blowjob Queen Yaya or Dame Gwenevier… Hell, like Lady Allison and live in a castle!" Cordelius pressed a clawed finger to Robyn's chest.

Living in a giant castle, surrounded by beautiful women, eating food that wasn't scrounged up from the trash heaps… All it took was to be like—

"HOLD ON! Yaya and Gwen? Lady Allison? I wanted to be like Donnie Sins! Man… it's dawning on me that I might be stuck like this forever." Robyn sighed.

"Well, you don't have a dick now to be the next plumber, teacher, doctor, adventurer, demon king, or parallel world hero. Am I missing anything else that he did? Whatever. Not everyone can be Donnie Sins, but there can only be one Robyn. Stars ain't the limit to how far you can go as an actress," he said, throwing an arm around her shoulders and the other waving across the canopy.

"None of that tracked, and I can tell you're just trying to convince me into staying as I am. But I do like money!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Cordelius wanted to get to shooting right away. Unfortunately, they were missing a couple of key ingredients. The director needed a mage with the ability to create traversable portals, and it was up to Robyn and Sienna to look for one.

At a bargain, stated the frugal yet excessively greedy imp.

"Why am I coming with you again? This is going to be your flick, not mine," Sienna said.

"I'll have an easier time finding someone to help with the Milky around. Besides, money I make goes into our bar hopping fund. You don't have to do anything. Just walk with me. Even Twinkle is down!" Robyn pointed to the pixie on her shoulder, sucking on a lollipop.

"That's Twinkle though. She's fine going along with anything as long as you give her candy. Actually… quit dragging her into your gimmicks— and by extension Cordy's— by bribing her with candy." The draph frowned.

"It's okay, Sienna! I want to be here. I love hanging around with Robyn!" Twinkle beamed.

While Robyn flashed a smile back, Sienna heaved a sigh.

"You don't even know what Cordy wants to do and just go along with it. What if it's something stupid?" Sienna asked.

"The imp wants a portal. Probably to go somewhere picturesque for a shoot. What could possibly go wrong?" Robyn shrugged.

"A lot," she muttered under her breath.

They arrived at the Civil Guard located a skip and a hop outside of Morganta. It was a civil center which served as the headquarters for those gifted with magic and a talent for combat. People who had little interest in employing themselves as guards or soldiers, offered their services in exchange for monetary compensation and sometimes even trade skills.

This life was one that Robyn couldn't be a part of. Especially not with her miserably average physique. However, they had come today not to become adventurers of the Civil Guard, but to acquire the services of one.

Robyn kicked open the door and shouted, "I'm looking for someone who can cast portals!"


The adventurers of Civil Guard spared Robyn half a second of attention before returning to their drinks, card games, and conversations.

"Uhm… If you're looking to put in a quest form, I can help you over here!" A bespectacled woman with orange hair tied in a bun waved to them from the front counter.

They awkwardly made their way to the receptionist after Robyn's outburst. The human woman had shining pearl earrings hanging from her earlobes and a beauty mark underneath her lip. The nametag on her chest read Lorna Copperton.

"S-Sorry." Robyn bowed apologetically. "We're with Adventurers Gone Wild, an adult film studio. Our good-for-nothing director sent us out to hire an adventurer that can cast portals."

"That means you will be looking for mages! Let me just draw up a notice… How much will you be paying for this service?" Lorna asked.

Robyn and Sienna traded glances.

"How much did Cordy say he was going to pay?" Sienna asked.

"Beats me. I think he was expecting free labor," Robyn said, then tensed up from Lorna burning glare.

"Surely, you don't mean to mistreat or underpay our agents. Adventurers of Civil Guard are represented by powerful guild unions. It would be a shame if we had to put your employer on a blacklist," Lorna explained in a polite manner sharpened to a fine edge.

The two of them gulped hard. Thinking to escape, Robyn noticed that Twinkle was missing from her shoulder.

"Huh? Where'd that little light bulb go?" Robyn panicked.

"I see her with someone." Sienna pointed to a table where Twinkle was chatting up a geeky elven man, who was dressed in blue robes and wielded a thin wooden staff.

When the pixie saw them staring, she tugged on the elf mage's sleeve to bring him over.

"Hey, guys! This is Nelson. We adventured together a while ago, and I was just telling him that we needed a mage," Twinkle said.

"Since when were you an adventurer?" Sienna asked.

"Ehehe. I'm not really. I just helped light their way through a dungeon." She puffed out her tiny chest.

"It's n-nice to meet you all!" Nelson belted nervously. "I know how to cast portals. As for compensation, I'm fine with service swapping for Twinkle's help again in the future. I-I-I'm also a f-f-fan of your work, Ms. Robyn, so… I'd l-love to help on set…"

They turned to Lorna for confirmation.

"I suppose if you're okay with it, Nelson, then that's fine." Lorna sighed.

"That's great! A fan of mine, too? Man, am I glad to have you on board!" Robyn stuck her hand out to shake.

When they clasped hands, Nelson shuddered all over.

"I'm never washing this hand again…" he said dreamily.

"Please wash your hands…" Robyn recoiled.

"Get used to it." Sienna snickered at her expense.

Together, they signed off on the quest notice that Lorna drew up. Twinkle would exchange her skill services with Nelson and in return, he provided Adventurers Gone Wild with portals. Now that the paperwork was out of the way, the four of them headed to the studio where a skeleton crew consisting of Cordelius, Skip and Dane, and Tomas were waiting.

"You must be the mage! How ya doing. I'm Cordelius, director and CEO of Adventurers Gone Wild. Just call me Cordy!" Cordelius went to shake Nelson's hand, but the elven mage backed away. The director shot a confused look to his actresses.

"Guy's a fan of Robyn. Doesn't want to wash his hand after getting a handshake from her." Sienna sneered.

"Fan of Robyn's, huh…" He rubbed his chin in a way that Robyn didn't like, because it meant the imp was scheming.

"Focus, guys! This is going to be my first time having… ugh… sex as a girl. I want to get everything right. Where's the script, Cordy? It's gotta be something cool if the scene involves a mage's portal," Robyn said, eager to start and already seeing money in her future.

"Sure is, and I got it right here. Take a gander. I wrote the script myself after brainstorming with the others. I'm rather proud of it, too!" The director handed her a two-page script.

Robyn was giddier than Twinkle in a candy shop. However, as soon as she laid eyes on the script, that smile flipped upside down.

"Help me, step-adventurer. I'm stuck in the portal?" Robyn recited monotonously while glaring at her director over the pages. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"Joke? Perish the thought! We're combining the two fastest growing porno tropes into one banger! What's not to like?" Cordy asked.

"We might as well throw a mimic in there, am I right?"

"That's a great idea! Maybe one of my old contacts has one…" He scratched the stubble on his chin.

Robyn put a hand to her face and groaned.

"Hm? The scene has you half-way through a portal. Is that safe?" Sienna asked worriedly.

"It is!" Nelson insisted. "If the portal begins to close for whatever reason, it will throw you out on whichever side of you is heaviest."

"I'm not an adventurer, you are. If you say it's safe, that's good enough for me." Robyn shrugged.

Cordelius suddenly pulled Nelson and Tomas aside, whispering to them about something out of earshot.

"I-I can't possibly—!" Nelson exclaimed, going red up to his ears.

When Robyn grew suspicious and approached to eavesdrop, their conversation stopped abruptly.

"Anything you wanna share with the class, Cordy?" Robyn folded her arms.

"It's nothing. Just going over the script, you know how it is!" Cordelius clapped his grimy hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, crew! We cobbled the shoot together on short notice, so we'll have to make do. Nelson, open a portal to somewhere in the forest. Anywhere's fine as long as it's safe. You'll go through it with Dane. Skip and Tomas stay on this side."

Nelson did as instructed. Meanwhile, Robyn went over the script again. She was sure Tomas was supposed to be on the outdoor side of the portal. Was that what they were talking about just now?

A portal, as tall as an average human man, opened and almost looked like a painting of the forest— until a hummingbird flew into view, cocked its head at them, and then flew away. Nelson and Dane entered, and the cameraman began to set up his filming equipment. Skip did the same on this side.

"Keep your clothes on and go in, too, Robyn. Chop, chop!" Cordy clapped again, but this time in her face.

"I'm going to clock you over the head with the clapper if you do that while I'm stuck in the portal." Robyn begrudgingly entered the portal.

Her feet found purchase on the forest's firm soil. Trees surrounded them. Birds sang from the branches above. A curious fox poked its head out from the brushes. It ran off when Dane set up the legs of his tripod.

Robyn finished scanning the surroundings as her gaze settled firmly on the nerdy mage's rock hard erection. It poked so far out his pants, she wondered if he was going to last the entire shoot without wanking off.

"It's okay, you know? I won't blame you if you do." Robyn pointed to his boner.

"Eh? D-Do you mean…" Nelson stammered.

"Taking care of your hard on, man! If it's going to blow, just do it," she insisted.

"Hey, Robyn! What are ya waiting for? Stick your upper body through the portal. Nelson, close it down just enough to make it look like she can't get out," Cordelius yelled from the other end.

Damn impatient imp.

The portal began to close. Robyn stuck her upper body through, returning to the studio room with the others. The top rim of the portal stopped an inch or two away from her back. It felt like she was lying flat on a table.

"Oh! This is so cool!" Robyn laughed, kicking her legs and flailing her hands.

"How's it feel being in two places at once?" Sienna playfully clasped Robyn's hand.

"Weird. I'm like floating in water and lying on a hard surface at the same time. Portals, am I right? How do they fucking work?"

"Can you hear us from over there?" Cordelius shouted into the portal gap.

"Yes, director! Camera's ready!" Dane confirmed.

It wasn't exactly the most comfortable position, but at least Robyn was glad about not needing to move much.

"We're good to go then," Cordelius declared. "Ready, Robyn? You and Tomas are just finishing up a quest. Tomas enters the portal, but when you do, it closes and leaves you stuck."

Right. The stupid script.

Sienna backed away to watch from the sidelines. Twinkle illuminated the room for the camera. Cordelius hit the clapper and signaled for Robyn to begin.

"Help, step-adventurer… I'm stuck in the portal and can't get out." Robyn rolled her eyes.

"Cut! Robyn, pal. How am I supposed to believe you're stuck? Put a little more emotion into it!" Cordelius yelled.

"Well, gee. I didn't know we were trying to win a Best Adult Actress award. Maybe it's the fact that I can pull myself out of the portal that's breaking my immersion. Or me calling Tomas step-adventurer of all things— What the hell is step-adventurer even supposed to mean?!"

The imp clapped both hands over Robyn's cheeks.

"It means money! The shine of kleins. An ability greater than adventurers to buy whatever your heart desires! Do you want to make that bag or not?" Cordelius asked.

"I do!" Robyn answered, her eyes blinded by riches.

"That's what I like to hear. Now be convincing! Take it from the top, everyone!" He twirled a finger in the air and returned to the director's chair.

Everyone got back into place and restarted the scene.

"Help, step-adventurer! I'm stuck in the portal and can't get out!" Robyn cried like a damsel distress and fought the cringe from the inside.

"Hold on. I'll get you out!" Tomas grabbed both of Robyn's hands and pretended to pull.

Neither of them were budging as intended.

"It… It's not working… I'm scared! You're not going to leave me, are you?" Robyn asked.

"Of course not. You know I would never leave you! Wait, I know a way to get you out. Here. Wrap your lips around this!" Tomas dropped his pants and waved his dick in Robyn's face.

"Oh, step-adventurer. You're so smart. What would I ever do without you?" she said, flashing a smile.

This is so stupid, but it's for the paycheck!

Robyn licked Tomas' dick dripping wet before sucking on it. His whole body shuddered. After making a few pornos of just blowing him, she had become intimately familiar with all his weak points and how best to make him feel good. Focusing her tongue on the glans made his knees buckle. But as expected of a budding porn actor, he held off from ejaculating too early.

"You're going to have to suck harder… if you want to pull yourself free from the portal." Tomas winced and was on the edge of climaxing. He jerked his hips back as though trying to yank Robyn out of the portal. She stretched her lips to do the silly duck-face sucking.

However, Tomas staggered back and his dick popped out of Robyn's mouth. Also intended. Cum squirted all over her face. Now to look sexy by licking her lips. Before she did, it suddenly got a little drafty in the back. A pair of hands had pulled her dress up and underwear down.

Who was it? Dane? Nelson? This part wasn't in the script!

"H-Hey, there's something going on back there—ouumpphh?!"

Tomas shoved his dick back into Robyn's mouth and said, "Don't worry, Robyn! I'll get you out in no time!"

Now isn't the time to continue the script, you idiot! she thought.

Someone was rubbing their dick against her unguarded and bare crotch. She couldn't protest with a dick in her mouth and while the cameras were rolling.

Pleasure nipped at Robyn's body whenever the hard thing brushed over her clit. She was reminded of the goblins from the porno the other day, and how much the actress appeared to be enjoying it. Did getting penetrated like that feel good? She only knew how it felt doing the penetrating.

Being stuck for real in this uncompromising position wracked Robyn with a mixture of anxiousness and excitement. Everything came to a stand still when the dick slid right into her pussy.

"MMMMMMRRPH!" Robyn lurched forward, her eyes snapped wide open.

Whoever was behind her had shoved it all the way in. She felt his hips against her butt. It really happened. Her virginity as a woman had finally been taken, and she didn't even know who helped themself to it.

"Robyn? Are you okay?" Sienna asked.

They kept thrusting and thrusting. Robyn couldn't answer Sienna with Tomas's dick in her mouth.

Was it always supposed to feel this good? All those times she had done it with other women as a guy, did they feel the same way? She heard that first times were supposed to be painful, but the pleasure got better with every thrust. Her eyes rolled back. Every gasp of air was followed by a cute, twitchy moan.

"Robyn… You're looking a lot sexier somehow…" Tomas whispered.

"Oh, Robyn's getting into it! That's the spirit! Skip, get a close-up. Tomas, jizz on her face! Jizz on her now!" Cordelius barked orders around the scene.

Stop. Don't stop. Stop. don't stop. Robyn wasn't sure what she wanted. If sex was this good as a woman, she might not want to go back—

Tomas pulled his dick out of Robyn's mouth and shot his load over her face again. At the same time, a budding pleasure within reached its peak.

"I'm cumming! Someone or something is screwing me from behind… it's making me cum… Nghh— aaaahhhhh!" Robyn convulsed like crazy, orgasming from being penetrated.

Her mysterious partner climaxed, too. Something warm gushed into her twitching pussy. It was their ejaculate. It had to be. Although Robyn wanted to savor this incredible, floaty feeling a little while longer, the sound of many heavy footfalls stormed the room.

A half-orc kicked open the door. Vred. Half a dozen thuggish half-orcs built like oxes cruised in after him. They were dressed in fine clothing, mostly vests and suits. All of them had a button pin on their broad chest with the symbol of two crossed axes.

"We're in the middle of shooting a porno here!" Cordelius shouted at their unwelcome visitors but choked at the next man who strutted in.

He was a half-orc just like the others, but larger and scarier, dressed in a dapper white suit, and had on a pair of shades. A silver band wrapped around his protruding right tusk.

"Cordy," the half-orc began almost like a disappointed parent. "You were supposed to meet with Don Gordia today."

"Oh… Th-That was today? Sorry about that, Stitz! I thought the meeting with Don Gordia was tomorrow! Ahaha… ha…" Cordelius tried to laugh it off, but the half-orc named Stitz picked him up by the tail.

"That's why we came to remind ya. Take the elf chick. The rest stays put," he ordered his gang.

"Sorry about this." Vred grabbed Robyn's hand and yanked. As soon as she slipped out, the portal closed shut.

"Robyn!" Sienna tried coming to her rescue when two half-orcs got in the way. "You don't want to find out how much stronger a draph is compared to orcs, and you're not even half their size."

"Don't worry, Miss Milky. We ain't planning to touch a hair on your friend. Cordy, on the other hand, we can't promise he comes back without missing a few molars," Stitz said.

"Really? Well… if you mean that—"

"Worry about your director, too!" Cordelius cried.


Chapter 7 - On a Role!.pdf


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