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Chapter 6

Robyn and Sienna were in the middle of packing, but only one of them was airing out their grievances.

"I can't believe that fucking imp! He fessed up about having a separate script when I grilled him. Tomas and I had no clue. What the hell? I want to just… arrghhh!" Robyn tried to rip an old shirt, but this body of hers was still painfully average in strength. Maybe slightly less so now.

"Welcome to the porn showbiz, Robyn. You didn't have to deal with it before, but start expecting it now that you've got tits and a pussy." Sienna smirked.

"Have you been dealing with this?" she asked.

The draph nodded. "For years. Milky's Milk was the last straw for me. I put the hoof down."

Robyn had no idea. In fact, she was beginning to feel guilty that Sienna dealt with this for far longer.

After packing everything into suitcases, the two of them carried the stuff outside where an old wagon waited. Twinkle sat atop one of the suitcases already loaded into the back. They threw the rest in and were ready to leave, but Robyn faced the apartment she had called home for the past few years.

"So long, you decrepit old shit. Time to move up in the world." Robyn bid farewell and joined the others in the wagon.

The two oxen began to move, and their wagon lurched onward. Robyn and Sienna took turns feeding Twinkle sugar cubes along the way to Rambeaux Promenade. The granite streets in this part of Morganta City were much cleaner. Street lights actually turned on at night. Guards regularly patrolled to keep crime in check. No one was going to mug or pickpocket Robyn's hard-earned kleins.

They rolled to a stop in front of a series of townhouses that made up an apartment complex block. Not a single window in sight was broken or boarded up with planks. People were even dressed in clothes without holes in them!

Having earned enough royalties from the last two films, Robyn was ready to move out. Sienna willingly dropped down a level of luxury to move in with her. That way, Robyn could split enough on rent and still have money left over.

It took the entire morning, but they moved everything into their new place an hour past noon.

"I'm so beat!" Robyn slumped down on the couch.

"Me, too…" Twinkle laid flat on top of Robyn's head.

"You're tired? I did all the heavy lifting!" Sienna put both hands on her hips.

The place was by all accounts small, but still significantly larger in comparison to Robyn's old room. This apartment had two bedrooms, a bathroom in each, and a living room with an adjoining kitchen.

"Seriously, Sienna. Thank you so damn much for moving with me." Robyn smiled.

"No sweat. Besides, this apartment costs a lot less than my other one. That means more kleins to spend on leisure." Sienna mimicked Cordelius' gesture of rubbing his money-grubbing fingers together.

"And there's the real reason." She rolled her eyes.

Something did trouble Robyn. Sienna would never have been okay with moving in if she was still a guy. Well, it made sense why. She was a guy at the time. However, for Sienna to be willing now was giving Robyn the vibes that she might stay a girl forever.

"Looks like we still got time before work." Sienna lifted a clock above the fireplace that showed half-past noon. "Wanna drop by a candy store first?"

"Yes!" Twinkle flew off Robyn's head and nodded energetically.

Unpacking the rest would have to come later. Until then, Robyn was eager to check out this side of Morganta. She threw on a new woolen coat and followed them out of the building.

"Guys, wait up!" Robyn exclaimed while fiddling with the lace on her hood.

A harsh bell rang out when she stumbled into the street. Something lifted Robyn off her feet as a horse and carriage raced past inches from her face.

"You can't go running around in Rambeaux. It's how you're going to end up as paste," Sienna scolded, lowering Robyn back to the ground.

"M-My bad…"

There were a lot more vehicles up here, a stark contrast to the slum-like block Robyn lived previously. When the number of wagons, carriages, and carts dwindled, they darted across the street before it became busy again.

The candy store, along with numerous other shops, were only a short walk away from the new apartment. A bakery, grocer, fishmonger, textile shop, and even… an adult video store. Robyn stopped in front of the window, showcasing the most popular flicks of late. Succubus and incubus dominated the shelves. The next most popular were common fetishes like foot stuff, breast milk like Sienna's Milky's Milk, and group play involving multiple female actresses with a single male actor. Vids of Lilia, that stuck-up cunt, were among them.

"Eugh. We're around enough porn, aren't we?" Sienna frowned at her most popular work on display.

"Hehe! Even though Robyn's a girl now, she's still got all her boy-horny urges." Twinkle teased.

"I just want to take a peek. You guys go ahead! I'll catch up," Robyn said, entering the adult video store.

The place was your regular old tiny, brick and mortar store. It was made up of aisles from front to back with shelves of pornos. They were sorted by genres written on little wooden signposts hanging by rusty hooks.

A couple of guys entered after Robyn, shuffling past while in conversation about who their favorite actresses were. She pulled the hood further over her face. Sienna and Twinkle were wrong about why she wanted to come in. It wasn't about buying porn. Nay! Though, she was a little curious about what her favorite actress was up to.

The purpose was… to stroke her own ego!

Robyn began at the 'Elves' section. As an elf, her stuff was likely to be here. However, she couldn't find a single thing. It was mostly filled with Lilia. Elven Damsel and the Big, Strong Orc. Busty Elf Caught by Horny, Wild Goblins. Your New Step-Sister is a Bratty Elf. Affectionate Elf Mother Gives You a Footjob. Hot Elven Babe Kicks You in the Nuts. Trapped in the Dungeon of the Demon King.

These were all Lilia's works to name a few. Suffice to say, she was one of the more popular elven actresses in the industry at the moment. A large part of that was due to the sheer repertoire in genre and fetishes she dealt in.

"I-I can do it, too… How hard can it be?" Robyn picked up the vidcrystal box of Busty Elf Caught by Horny, Wild Goblins and turned it over. She was treated to box art of Lilia being gangbanged by four goblins, taking it in the mouth, back, and holding a green dick in each hand. It made her blush hard.

The very sight reminded Robyn of the shoot with Tomas and the goblins. She pictured herself in Lilia's place. It could have been her being gangbanged. Maybe…

"No! What am I thinking? There's no way I'm going to let goblins gangbang me. Moreover, I'm not giving a single klein to Lilia. I bet she's rolling in dough…" Robyn hesitated to put the box back and hugged it to her chest. "This is for research."

Now, where was Adventurers Gone Wild's stuff? They were nowhere to be seen.

Robyn searched up and down this aisle and the ones adjacent, but she couldn't find her stuff. Only when she returned to the 'Elf' section did it occur to her. In a small pyramid stand separate from the shelf were her two works. Only a few boxes were left.

The first was titled in small texts, Cocky Elf Adventurer Gets Turned into a Girl! And in significantly larger texts, IN COLLABORATION WITH LILIA AMERELLA, like Cordelius wasn't confident that it would sell otherwise.

"Thanks, Cordy." Robyn rolled her eyes.

The other was named Ditsy Genderbent Elf's Romantic Quest Interrupted by Goblins! Not exactly the most creative titles, but it got the point across.

Judging by how few left there were, people actually bought her stuff. At this rate, Robyn might actually make it big and become a pornstar.

"So, I was saying… There's this new girl. Apparently, she used to be a guy!"

Two guys turned the corner into the aisle. Robyn made an about face and pretended to browse the opposite shelf.

"I'm telling you, I don't care about anyone else. The only one I care about is Lady Allison," a human man said.

Lady Allison, a succubus pornstar, who won the hearts of men and women alike with her extraordinarily sultry performance in every flick. Her works were so popular, they needed an aisle of their own. All of her titles were a hit. Even Robyn couldn't help but own a few of her vidcrystals.

"Here it is!" The other, a young elf gentleman that looked to be an adventurer from his sword and buckler, picked up two boxes from the Adventurers Gone Wild stand. "Seriously. Watch it. Best case, you'll like a new chick. Worst, you bust a nut and put it away."

Suddenly, Robyn was extremely interested in their conversation. Both of them were looking at the scene stills on the back of the boxes. She scooted closer, keeping her back to them.

"What's the trick? They swapped the male and female actress?"

"No, man. This guy legit turned into a girl. Tits, poon, everything! The actress is the best part— I mean, the sex scenes kinda suck, but she really sells being all shy and stupid about it!"

Robyn snuck right up behind them to listen better. Shy? Stupid? She was doing her best here!

"Wait, this says there's no penetration! What gives?"

Next time. Next time for sure. Robyn silently apologized and vowed to get some actual intercourse sex in.

"Well, the first one has a sex scene with Lilia. The guy hadn't changed into a girl yet. In the second, the girl gives a steamy blowjob to her adventurer buddy before goblins—"

"Alright, alright. I get it. The title gives away the premise anyway… I'll buy 'em just so you get off my back about… it…"

The two of them turned around and stared straight at Robyn.

"Can… Can we help you?" the elf asked.

"N-No! I was just… going to grab this…" Robyn awkwardly reached for a box behind the stand, but they were gawking a lot harder than before.

The elf especially. His gaze flicked between Robyn and the box in his friend's hand.

"Hey… You look familiar. Are you…?"

"Just your imagination!" Robyn cried as she raced for the exit.

"Oi!" an angry goblin clerk shouted. "You gonna pay for those? Or do I gotta call the guards?"

Robyn glanced down at the three vidcrystal boxes in her hands. She slinked back to the counter and paid for them.

"You into goblins?" He smirked, revealing jagged yellow teeth. "How about you come back after closing, toots?"

"Uh… No, thanks." Robyn grabbed her stuff and shamefully emerged from the adult video store.

What was that all about?

Robyn pulled the vidcrystals out. Two of them were her works, and the third was… Right. The Lilia Amerella goblin gangbang porno. No wonder. Well, time to chalk this place up as a store to never come back to.

Not to mention…

"Good going, me. Paying for my pornos with the royalties I made from them…" Robyn sighed.

Better catch up with Sienna and Twinkle. The large, wooden lollipop sign on top of the store was a dead giveaway. Through the window, Robyn saw her coworkers cronting a couple of floating balls of light. No, that wasn't right. They were the ones being confronted. Twinkle was hiding behind Sienna and looking distressed.

Robyn entered the candy store in a huff.

"Who's messing with my favorite pixie?" Robyn growled.

Three fairies spun around, facing her with sharpened fangs and vibrant butterfly wings.

"Huh? Who's the broad?" The pink fairy tapped a candy cane against her shoulder.

When Robyn searched Sienna for answers, a shrug was all she offered.

"We were picking out some candy until these fairies came in picking on Twinkle. Like I said, no one's fighting anyone. It's also three on three, and two of us have you beat in weight class." Sienna folded her arms.

"Uh. I think the weight class was skewed before I even got here," Robyn added.

"I-I-I'm sorry if I caused any trouble, Chilla! I won't show my face here ever again. I swear!" Twinkle buried herself underneath Sienna's hair.

The pink hair stuck one end of the candy cane into her mouth. She grinded it down to a point and brandished the sharp end at Twinkle.

"Tch. You pixies are always so sweet and sugary. Still work for that monkey imp for free, ain't ya? I bet you'd agree to becoming someone's cock sleeve if they asked nicely!" she taunted.

The other two fairies erupted into shrill laughter. Robyn stood between them and Twinkle.

"W-Whaddya want, giant?" Another fairy, this one blue and with flowy ribbons in her hair, put on a brave face.

"It costs literally nothing to be nice. That's why we love Twinkle. She'd never hurt you. Me, on the other hand… I happen to have a size fetish." Robyn grinned.

All three fairies flinched. They fell for the bluff and scrammed.

Robyn turned around feeling all triumphant until she saw her coworkers staring back with disgust.

"You have a size fetish?" Sienna asked, her judging eyes as narrow as slits.

"Wawawawa— Is that why you like hanging out with us, Robyn?" Twinkle peeked out of Sienna's hair and was very red in the face.

"NO, DAMN IT! That was obviously a lie to get them off our backs!" Robyn exclaimed.

They pointed to the vidcrystal boxes in her hand.

"This vidcrystal is my own flick! I-I just wanted to see how I did. Sheesh. Some thanks would be nice…" she muttered.

"You say that like buying your own porn is any better." Sienna chuckled and turned to Twinkle, consequently moving her hair that was the pixie's cover. "Who were those jerks anyway? Do you know them?"

"Yes… Chilla and I used to be really good friends! M-Maybe I did something to upset her? S-Should I go apologize to them?" Twinkle pressed her index fingers together.

Fairies and pixies sure had a complicated relationship. They were night and day. These tiny fae folk typically lived over at Firelight Plaza, in small birdhouse-like homes attached to trees. Due to fairies being the more aggressive of the two, they often formed gangs and strong-armed pixies into bitchwork. In exchange, pixies had less of an opportunity being taken advantage of by other races.

"You didn't do anything, and you have nothing to apologize for," Robyn said.

"The fairies are the ones who should be sorry." Sienna nodded in agreement.

They bought Twinkle an extra hefty bag of caramel melts and hard candy. Nothing cheered a pixie up faster than a mouthful of sugary goodness. She was back to smiling and dancing on Robyn's shoulder in no time.

As night fell, Twinkle thanked them for today and returned to Firelight Plaza. Robyn and Sienna retired for the evening to finish unpacking. As soon as Robyn bid her draph roommate goodnight, she jumped into a new comfy bed and hid under the fresh, woolen sheets.

"Now that we're alone… Hehe… ehehehe…" Robyn brought out the vidcrystals she purchased today.

Magic might have completely transformed her into a woman, but she still very much suffered from the plight of a man's sex drive. As a questionably healthy individual with a slightly higher than normal libido, the dead of night was the best time to put those urges to rest by watching porn.

Robyn brought her entire collection built up over the years during the move, but she had seen them plenty of times already. Blew quite the many loads in the past, too. Those were displayed neatly on a shelf underneath the window. Tonight, she had three choices, and they were laid out on the pillow in front of her.

Two of them were the flicks Adventurers Gone Wild shot, and one of them was the Lilia goblin gangbang. She swallowed hard, mulling over the choices. Her eyes wandered to the one with Lilia.

"This is just for research…" Robyn repeated what she said earlier today and pulled the vidcrystal out of the case. It was fashioned into an elongated shape of a diamond. A thin line ran horizontally across the center. She fitted into the pronged setting of a small brass receptacle with several lenses around it, then twisted the top half of the crystal and placed it on the floor.

Immediately, a vivid and almost real image projected into the empty space at the center of Robyn's room. The scene began with Lilia in the company of three male goblins. They were drinking heavily, passing beer around like there was no tomorrow. Their voices were so clear, it was almost like they were speaking right next to Robyn.

Inebriated, the four of them started getting frisky. Robyn was getting into it, drawn in by how the goblins toyed with Lilia, and she stroked their green dicks in return. Groping hands kneaded her breasts and fingered her pussy.

Robyn did the same to herself. With one hand at her crotch and the other squeezing her nipple, she timed it in pace with the goblins.

"Yes! Ahh! Fuck me!" Lilia moaned.

As expected of a porn star, Robyn thought.

No one cared about the acting, only how hot it looked on screen. Even the orgasms were faked. The actress' orgasm, at least. The actors' and their jizz were real. However, Lilia's damsel act made it sound so hot. Fuck her for being a cunt in real life, but god damn almighty did she know how to put on an act.

"I can be better than that…" Robyn muttered as she fingered herself more intensely. "I… mmh… I, ahh… I'm getting close…"

"How ya liking gobbo cocks, ya slut?" one goblin asked the elf.

"I like it…" Lilia and Robyn answered together.

"We're gonna shoot our spunk all over your face, so open wide!" another added.

"Ahhhh!" They climaxed at the same time, but unlike the actress who shut her mouth for the facial, Robyn opened up instead as if to catch their ejaculate.

The orgasm left Robyn trembling in bed. She was spent, but the gangbang in the vidcrystal was still going.

Then the door creaked open.

"Hey… Robyn, buddy…" Sienna poked her head in, bright red in the face. "Uhm… do you mind keeping it down next time?"

"T-TELL ME THAT SOONER!" Robyn tossed a pillow at the door, but Sienna shut it before getting hit.


Chapter 6 - Porn Collection.pdf


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