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Alt link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uxhqFaFoOfGRMTaimFcwzAESL1xQyASDU0XbzJE-kmY/edit?usp=sharing

Chapter 98

Kanae flew ahead of her army to scout. The trees were thicker here in this part of no man's land, reminiscent of Turic's gargantuan forests like they were made for giants. Fortunately, no dire beast was brave enough to attack such a large force. They were able to traverse with little issue.

Giggling drew Kanae's attention to the ground, where two beastman boys were frolicking between the large tree roots and tossing pine cones at each other. She landed in front of them, startling the children butt-first into the earth.

"Go back to your tribe and tell everyone that the succubus is here. They can either surrender peacefully or be subjugated," Kanae said, placing both boys under her charm and sending them running.

Edina landed shortly after. "Surrender? Where's the fun in that? I want to let loose with a horde of undead!"

"Talon's forces are made up of hundreds of tribes and villages scattered across no man's land. We can't just stomp all over them, it's just not feasible," Kanae said.

"But why isn't it feasible?" She pouted.

"It's just not."

"Why not, ya stupid succubus?"

Kanae grabbed Edina by the shoulders and casted Bond. The squirreling succubus tensed up and dropped to her knees, shuddering on the verge of climax.

"Because it doesn't mean anything if I have to spread my army thin occupying those tribes! My charm also has a limit. Our rations are low. We're strong, but not invincible." Kanae released Bond to deny Edina her orgasm.

"Okay, boss… What's the plan now?" Edina asked, picking herself up and dusting off the dirt.

"Now we go see if they want to fight or not." She whistled sharply to order the army of mixed races forward.

Lycanbolds, goblins, beastmen, dark elves, adventurers, alraunes, and succubi marched out of the vegetation in formation. Anyone beyond no man's land would think they were fighting on the side of the demons looking like this.

They emerged from a break in the forest, coming to a meadow of yellow and red flowers underneath the beaming sun. In spite of the warmth cast down on them, the cold winds from the mountains chilled them to the bones. The tribe of armed beastmen, maybe a hundred strong, stood between Kanae's army and their modest homes of round yurts.

"If you surrender, I guarantee no harm comes to your young, elderly, and home. The adults will serve as sex slaves. This isn't negotiable. Which one of you is the leader of the tribe?" Kanae asked, walking up to the halfway point between both forces.

An elk beastman, whose antlers have yellowed from age, stepped forward with a spear in hand. His slouch didn't betray the stoicism in his posture as he faced Kanae's much larger force.

"My name is Yamu," the beastmen proudly introduced himself, then casted his spear away and groveled in the dirt. "We surrender!"

"Eh?" Kanae blinked in disbelief.

"There's no way we can challenge your army. Talon— that bitch— didn't even bother sending help, knowing full well that our tribe would be first on the chopping block. Please, spare us! I have plenty of healthy men and women to offer you!"

Kanae expected a small group of sacrifices, but her jaw dropped when half the tribe stepped forward. They willingly and eagerly presented themselves before her.

"Okay, wait… You have to be scheming something." Kanae glared at the beastmen chief.

"No! Not at all! We convened for a tribe meeting, and everyone agreed that surrendering was in our best interest," Yamu explained.

A quick sniff and Kanae knew right away many of them were in heat. Well, what mattered was that things worked out without coming down to a fight.

"I accept your surrender and offering," Kanae said, then beckoned for her captains. "Will, form a perimeter and make sure we don't find any surprises. Lilith and Sisters of Sin, order the lycanbolds and goblins to build a relief hut where our new sex slaves will serve us. Tearal, map out the area for foraging and hunting locations to supply ourselves and Yamu's tribe with food."

"At once!"

Everyone split ways to fulfill their duties.

"We'll… be safe like you promised, right?" Yamu asked.

"Of course. For now, why don't we get a little acquainted in a more private setting?" Kanae grinned.

In Yamu's yurt, Kanae conducted terms of surrender by relentlessly riding the beastman to his next orgasm.

"Is that all you got? This is what you wanted, right? You betrayed Talon because you wanted to fuck a succubus… to fuck the leader of the enemy force!" Kanae exclaimed, grabbing him by the base of his antlers.

"Please, mercy! You're going to break my hips! Honest… W-We surrendered because Talon isn't a chieftain worth fighting for— aahh!" Yamu quivered in climax, pumping another load into Kanae's already cum-drenched pussy.

However, Kanae wasn't finished. After all, she hadn't orgasmed yet. Her breasts heaved and clapped with each thrust. Their hips applauded in an ovation of depravity.

"I'm close… I'm cumming… cumming! Yes!" Kanae moaned, arching her back from an incredible orgasm.


A harsh crack startled them and interrupted the post-coitus catharsis

"Uh, oh…" Kanae winced at the two broken antlers she had ripped off.

"My… My antlers!" Yamu cried.

Kanae got dressed while the tribe's chief mourned the loss of his antlers.

"What's this about Talon not being a chieftain worth fighting for?"

Yamu sighed and put the antlers aside. "Before Talon came along, the tribes lived peacefully. She got it into the heads of the more glory and battle-hungry of our people that we needed to unite under her banner. The bitch doesn't even know how to rule, only to fight. All that's changed under her is we're forced to send food back to Talahurah. They get fat, while tribes like mine go hungry."

"Is Talahurah a place?" Kanae asked.

"It lies far northwest of here. Talon's great city, or so she calls it," he answered spitefully.

Northwest would be bordering the demon domains. If the beastmen tribes were sending food up there, it sounded like they were unwittingly supplying demons with resources.

"Then my next course of action should be to starve them out," Kanae muttered to herself. "Yamu, your tribe won't be sending food to Talahurah anymore. I also want you to give me the locations of the other nearby tribes."

"W-What do you plan to do with them?" he asked.

"Offer the same ultimatum I gave you: surrender or be subjugated."

It wasn't as though Yamu had a choice anyway. However, after explaining that they wouldn't inflict harm unless threatened, he provided directions to the five closest tribes and details on who their leaders were.

Kanae exited the yurt and went in search of her succubus sisters, who were overseeing the construction of the brothel. They had commandeered the largest yurt in the tribe, a giant round tent which previously served as a sort of common area.

"Mistress, we've partitioned nearly forty rooms within. The sex slaves are ready to serve," Lilith explained.

"Good. A lot of the goblins were getting antsy during the journey here… Anyway, I have a new task for the Sisters of Sin. It's time we go on a mission and spread the word of the Eminence of Sin," Kanae said.

First Sister Lilith gathered the Sisters of Sin to the front of the relief hut. The sounds of sex were plenty. Although many had willingly submitted, the difficult ones needed to be charmed. Having succubi as underlings really hammered in how effective they were at controlling a population.

"Sisters," Kanae began. "I will hereby announce your next tasks. Taileen and Erin will go to the harpy roost village, Basheera. Meidina and Zadris to Lake Molt where the reptile folk make their homes. Tabitha and Eldora, bring the kobolds of Caperwen Mines into the fold to work for us. Lilith, I trust you to handle the sloth beastmen at Dawnbrook. They are… kind of slow, so try to be patient with them. We want to form a friendly alliance and draw them away from Talon, but don't hesitate to subjugate them under your control if they refuse."

"As you command!"

The succubi took flight to fulfill Kanae's orders and spread the influence of the Eminence of Sin.

"I'm guessing you want me to take care of the fifth tribe?" Edina asked.

"We're going to that one together. Apparently, they're a troublesome tribe whose sworn loyalty to Talon. That's your chance to show me what you're really made of," Kanae said.

"Awwww, shit. You shouldn't have!" The squirreling necromancer flashed an excited grin.

They flew for the village of Jadeclaw, named after the moss-covered rock formations that jutted out of the earth like claws. Not quite as massive as the backdrop behind the plains of Lograin, but more akin to man-sized trees sprouting from the ground.

Racing on all fours and weaving between those mossy rocks were three lion beastman. Two males and a female. One craned his neck toward them and went into full sprint.

"We have to make it back to Sheeba! Quickly!" the other male warned.

"Arise, Bone Brute!" Edina summoned her strongest undead to intercept the beastmen, scooping only two of them off their feet. The third, a male lion man, ducked a swing from the massive arm and escaped.

They descended to meet their two captives, who were held so firmly in the bone brute's grasp that neither could so much as struggle.

"I'm guessing Sheeba is your leader?" Kanae asked.

"Sheeba is our pridemother. You might have caught us off-guard, but she will chew you up like a cat toy if our entire pride doesn't do it first!" The lioness spat in Kanae's face.

"You can't just threaten a succubus like me with a good time. I'll just get excited." Kanae licked the spittle and brushed the back of her hand against the female beastman's face.

"The two of you are looking real cocky for being the ones to screw over your own tribe," Edina said.

"What… What are you talking about? We would never!" the male exclaimed.

Kanae forcibly placed the two under her charm, then ordered them to march towards their tribe. There, they were met by a massive pack of snarling lions. Several were hiding in the branches and behind trees, ready to pounce at a moment's notice.

The pack parted ways for a large lioness to approach. Her muscular arms and legs were covered in fine fur, ending in sharpened claws. A mane of golden hair wreathed her face and draped down her back. A long healed, diagonal scar that looked like it was done from three claws stretched across her chest.

"You must be Sheeba. I'm here to accept you and your tribe's surrender. Or if you want to fight, I hope you're prepared to be subjugated and made to be a sex slave," Kanae said.

"End of the line for you, succubus! Your heads will serve as gifts to Talon!" Sheeba roared, wasting no time lunging at the two of them.

Kanae sighed and patted Edina on the back, casting Bond on her in the process.

"Hells yeah! I was hoping she'd make this difficult— Arise, Legion of the Dead! Go wild and show me what you're made of!" Edina bellowed.

As dozens of beastmen leapt from trees and charged from all around them, high level undeads rose to meet them in battle. The bone brute stopped Sheeba in her tracks with the greatshield, but not before skidding a few inches back from impact.

"Tch… You think you can beat me? I'm strong enough to be recognized by Talon— Bestial Strength! Lion's Pride! Beastman Constitution!" With each skill that Sheeba uttered, she grew stronger and even sizably larger.

Empowered to such an extent with three buffs, Sheeba shoved the bone brute up against the tree.

"Oh? I think I want some of those skills," Kanae said thoughtfully.

"Not scared yet?" Sheeba growled. "Before I put the two of you in your place, I want to know why you demons aren't on our side? Talon should have brokered an alliance."

"Well, let's just say Talon should have sided with us instead. Just to show you how outmatched you are— Heightened Haste!" Kanae buffed the entire skeletal army, Legion of the Dead and bone brute both.

By increasing their DEX stat, the scales of battle swung so hard in Kanae and Edina's favor that it wasn't fair anymore.

"Hahahaha! Run them down, my minions! Run them all down!" Edina cackled.

"By the way, sorry ahead of time about your buffs." Kanae smirked, chucking a cluster of slime-turned dildos. "Dispel!"

Sheeba snarled in confusion when the slime dildos bounced off her back. The advantage she had over the bone brute vanished like her skill buffs. The skeletal monstrosity headbutted her with its helmet, knocking her away and freeing itself. Now, too fast and nimble for the lioness to pin again, a single swift blow from the greataxe sent her crashing into a tree.

Kanae flew over to the wounded Sheeba and drew her crystalline sword up to her chin.

"To be honest, I was hoping one of the tribes would resist. So thank you for allowing us to test how strong we are. You're probably wondering what's going to happen next? I'll tell you: your pride will be forced into my service whether they like it or not. As for you, I'm going to break you in and make you into a sex slave."

"I won't submit!" Sheeba growled defiantly.

The Sisters of Sin had already returned by the time Kanae and Edina got back to Yamu's tribe. Although it had gotten dark out, the night sky was dotted with stars and a giant full moon to illuminate no man's land.

"Mistress!" Lilith raced over with a smile. "Our Sisters have succeeded in bringing the other tribes into the fold. Some submitted quickly, and others needed a little convincing. I see you have succeeded, too."

Their eyes fell to the panting pridemother on her hands and knees. A collar wrapped around her neck with Kanae holding the end of the leash.

"Please… Fuck this worthless kitty's pussy… I'll do anything… I want to cum to your touch again!" Sheeba desperately pleaded, face flushed red and bare breasts swaying as she rubbed against Kanae's ankles.

"I wished they'd put up more of a fight. Those pussy cats folded the moment their leader got fucked like a bitch in heat," Edina said.

The tribe of lion beastmen who had followed them back knelt to the ground.

"Our species follow a hierarchy of strength. You defeated our pridemother, now you are our pridemother. We serve you loyally. If that isn't enough, we submit ourselves to fall under your spell to serve," a female lioness explained.

Lions back on Earth had a high rate of success when it came to hunting in packs. If the same applied to beastmen in this world, they should be able to easily hunt down dire beasts for food.

"If you want to show me your loyalty, then hunt for my sake and return with something to show for. We're running low on food. Can you do that?" Kanae asked the lioness.

"We will hunt for the pack and pridemother!" she declared.

Kanae ushered them off into the night.

"You sure about letting them go?" Edina asked.

"If there are traitors among them, they'll take this chance to run away. Those that come back will prove to me that they can be trusted. I see that as an absolute win," Kanae said.

"Shall one of us follow them to make sure? You need only command me," Lilith offered.

"No." She yanked the leash, causing Sheeba to moan and pant harder. "Meidina and Tabitha, I can still gain skills from you two. Fuck her to exhaustion, then feed me whatever skill you get from her."

"We look forward to it, High Priestess." They grabbed the leash and led Sheeba towards the relief hut.

Everything was coming together. Slowly but surely they were taking away Talon's allies. Soon, they would lay siege to Talahurah. Most of all, Kanae couldn't wait to make a sex slave out of Talon, too.


Chapter 98 - Waging War as a Succubus


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