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Chapter 97

After a day-long orgy to celebrate the new succubi and raise spirits, Ehmvier Village was raring to head straight into war. Lycanbolds and goblins loaded supplies into carts pulled by gorags, mars, and languis. Former adventurers and those who were crowned, folks who had casted their past lives in Lograin aside to follow Kanae and the Eminence of Sin, stepped up to the plate to fight as foot soldiers.

A handful of capable soldiers led by Tess would stay behind to protect the village. After all, the gaurs were pregnant and couldn't go anywhere. That went doubly so for Arenade. Takumi, Ingrid, and Ichi agreed to handle the defenses at home while Manabe led the army into battle.

"Who's ready to go make sex slaves out of Talon and the beastmen tribes?" Kanae roared to her subjects.

They resounded with even greater passion that uplifted Kanae's hopes and moistened her loins. She could feel the hunger from the minor succubi in the air behind her, eager to subjugate their enemies.


"Hold up!" Arenade shouted, stomping into the packed square with Nelly and Teana struggling to keep up. "You're forgetting something!"

"Arenade? What happened?" Kanae flew down to meet her.

The pregnant priestess handed Kanae a logbook. It belonged to Parn and was scrawled with dates, notes, and panicked self-reflecting questions and doubts.

"The village is running out of food. You brought so many people into the village that we can't possibly keep up!" Arenade exclaimed.

"It's true!" A goblin spoke up from among the crowd. "The food stores are almost empty. We only got maybe a week's grain left."

All the energy from before had vanished and was replaced by growling stomachs. Everyone, army and citizens alike, turned their hungry eyes to the wagons packed with food for their fight against Talon.

Ruling was a lot harder than Kanae thought.

"Okay, everyone. Disperse for now until I figure this out." Kanae sighed.

"I'll take care of the little ones while you speak." Noah took over to watch Nelly and Teana in Arenade's place.

As the square emptied, only the three of them, herself, Arenade, and Edina remained just like old times.

"I can't believe you agreed to becoming a succubus. I'll drop the rat part, but you really are a whore now," Arenade teased Edina, interrupting the necromancer in the middle of checking her character sheet.

Edina cackled mischievously under her breath. "It means I can do this whenever I want— Turn Horny!"

Arenade doubled over, clutching her groin from being magically pleasured by Edina's spell. The fabric around her dress' bust became soaked from lactating.

"Nnh… That's not… fair…" she moaned.

"Alright, stop stimulating the mother of my future child." Kanae seized hold of Arenade with Charm to break Edina's Turn Horny, then released her from the spell. "What do we do about the lack of food, then?"

It probably didn't help that the village feasted like royalty last night. That certainly dwindled their food stores.

"So here are the problems," Arenade began after recomposing herself. "You practically doubled the population size of the village in a single night. There aren't enough farmers to supply everyone with food. We're still low on livestock, too. Since you blessed the forest, that has attracted dire beasts which made foraging and hunting more dangerous. Lastly, there's no way in three hells half a dozen gaurs is enough to supply the whole village with milk."

"That's a lot of milk though," Kanae said.

"Yeah, well. Since that's all we have to drink, a lot of people developed a taste for breast milk. I've been getting the googly eyes because of it. A few damn dirty goblins have the gall to ask me if they can drink my milk from the source!" she exclaimed, casting a glare at some villagers gulping hard at the wet spots on her breasts.

"If the main problem is food, then we just need to establish stronger hunting parties. Taking care of the dire beasts and domesticating ones we can raise will open the forest for foraging parties again."

Something clicked in Kanae's head as she mentioned that.

"We heading to war or not? Clock is ticking with the Protectorates, you know?" Edina reminded them.

"I just thought of something. We have a bunch of adventurers now, don't we?" Kanae asked.

"I think so. A bunch of 'em I recognize from Lograin's hall," she said.

"Why don't we create our own adventurer's hall here? Think about it, we can employ them to take care of things too dangerous for common folks and too mundane for us. Like slaying dire beasts, collecting food, and helping to fix things."

Arenade and Edina were skeptical, but they ultimately agreed. The three of them were adventurers who had played a vital role in a city's function and saw the good that could be done anyway.

Kanae declared the establishment of an adventurer's hall at the Church of the Eminence of Sin. A call to arms was made, encouraging anyone who was crowned with a class to show up to offer their services. Among them were the Sisters of Sin, Will, Mitty, and those that used to be adventurers in Lograin. She asked Parn to come and serve as mediator between the hall and citizens of Ehmvier.

"I've asked you to come because Ehmvier Village is facing a crisis," Kanae began. "We're running out of food. In order to resolve that, I hereby establish the Ehmvier Adventurer's Hall here at our very own church. Your first tasks are to eradicate dangerous dire beasts around the village, bring their corpses back, and have them processed as food and materials."

"What are we getting in return?" an intrepid human adventurer asked.

"Uhh… Gold?" she answered reluctantly.

"But what do we do with gold? We've been hunting, gathering, and trading all this time!" a crowned dark elven huntress exclaimed.

Kanae put a hand to the side of her face and groaned. Currency wasn't really used out here. Minted coins were only a concept in major civilizations. Since money only had value when backed by trust, the lack of trust by the villagers of Ehmvier made all the gold Kanae had worthless.

Although… Half of the village did come from Lograin, who were familiar with gold. They just needed to convince the other half to accept it.

"We'll use gold coins as currency from now on. Trading is still encouraged. People will hopefully get used to it over time… At any rate, your biggest motivation for accepting quests is earning my favor and experience from slaying dire beasts. Or am I not a good enough motivation?" Kanae asked, walking up to a pretty female elven adventurer and hooking a tail underneath her chin.

The elf gulped. "Th-There's nothing I would want more, High Priestess!"

Parn put up quest notices on a wooden board, which mostly involved killing monsters in the wilds. Adventurers more familiar with the profession partied up with the less experienced villagers. They ventured out together, eager to seek glory and serve Kanae and the Eminence of Sin.

"Lilith, have the lycanbolds begin building an adventurer's hall adjacent to the church," Kanae ordered.

"It shall be done, Mistress." Lilith bowed and took off to gather workers.

"We're adventurers, too. Let's go tackle some of these quests!" Edina exclaimed, pulling a notice off the wall.

An army of undeads overwhelmed the poor dire bear, amassing over the beast and stabbing until it stopped moving. Edina ordered her horde away, then tapped the dead bear with her staff. It twitched and returned to life to serve, adding to the necromancer's growing forces.

"Talk about useful. Thanks to you, we don't have to lug the bodies back. We can just raise them and have them go back on their own," Kanae said.

"Hehe! Being a succubus has its perks, too. I can charm some things and sic my undeads on them. The only problem is… Everytime I use a spell, I get hungrier and hungrier." Edina squeezed her legs shut tightly.

"You'll get used to it," she assured the half-succubus. "The feeling is just like being horny constantly. That's all."

When Edina checked her character sheet, Kanae stole a look.

Edina Hackett Lvl. 79













Her subrace was no longer squirreling. It was instead replaced with succubus, proof of what she had become. Proof that the others had changed in the same way.

"You've been looking at your character sheet a lot. Still in disbelief that you're a succubus?" Kanae asked.

"Oh, that's not it. I believe it alright. I'm just checking my levels. You said you can't gain experience from killing monsters, right? Well, I can. In fact, I gain experience from killing monsters and having sex," Edina explained.

"Seriously? That doesn't sound very fair!"

"It might actually be fair. The experience I get from both sources is super low! Like between that orgy and today's kills so far? Only enough to bump me one level. But three hells, my summons somehow got stronger."

"Is… Is it safe now?" Mitty poked his head out from the bushes.

"You can come out now, honey! Kanae hollered, extending a hand for the goblin to take.

The two of them clasped hands, and Kanae smiled affectionately at her goblin lover who bravely agreed to accompany them. As a low level Pathfinder, Mitty had plenty of room to grow stronger. Having him come along also made it easier to find the monsters they were looking for.

"All we got left is a pack of choir boars. Sounder of choir boars?" Edina cocked her head, confused at the poorly drawn swine on the notice.

"Choir boars? Why are they called that?" Kanae asked.

"Choir boars are dangerous in groups. They let loose a shrill cry that really hurts. Hence the name," Mitty explained.


"Can they be domesticated?" she questioned further.

"If you wanna kill your ear drums." Edina shrugged, then sidled up to the other side of Kanae with stars in her eyes. "More importantly, we should try your Bond. It's probably going to superbuff my undeads!"

Come to think of it, Kanae couldn't recall if she had tried Bond on any of the succubus Sisters of Sin yet. Would that skill even work on another of their own race?

Kanae magically tethered herself to Edina, and the squirreling suddenly tensed up. She shuddered and clutched herself, trying to keep from keeling over from an orgasm. Her tail and wings went taut, eyes lit up with lust, and panting in heat.

"My queen, how… may I serve you— uuugh… What is this feeling? Why did I say that?" Edina asked herself as she slipped from subservience to normal self like in the middle of dozing off.

The skeletal horde had certainly grown stronger. They grew in size, wielded more brutal weapons, and even the bear appeared to have evolved larger into a more terrifying form. The sight of them scared Mitty, causing him to tighten his grip on her hand.

"That's interesting," Kanae remarked amusedly. "Does this mean I technically control your undead army? Edina, order your undead to hack down that tree."

"As you wish, my queen— stop! Don't take away my control! I'm the necromancer! They are mine to command— You heard her! Chop down that tree already!" Edina snapped at her undeads.

They did so without hesitation, chopping away at it with their weapons until it toppled.

"I guess this means using Bond on other succubi puts them directly under my control. Not bad." Kanae nodded to herself.

"Not bad for you… I liked it better when I had full control— My queen, please reward me! I want you to make me feel good," Edina pleaded sweetly.

Kanae shivered with ecstasy from hearing a much more demure Edina beg in such a way. She lifted the squirreling's chin and kissed her, which made the wings on her back flutter and tail roll out taut.

"More… c-can I have more?" she asked while all bug-eyed.

"Uhm… Kanae? W-We should continue looking," Mitty said, shifting uncomfortably and trying vainly to cover his crotch.

"I have a better idea, honey." Kanae pulled Mitty's pants down, letting his erect dick spring up to her face. "Edina, help me pleasure my lover. We can take a break and restore our mana."

Edina didn't protest. The effects of Bond compelled her to kneel down next to Kanae and lick Mitty's green prick. Together, the two of them pleasured him with their tongues. Edina, however, went the extra mile and began sucking his balls. Not wanting to be outdone, Kanae wrapped her lips tightly around the throbbing member.

"Mm… shllrrp… shlrrrp…"

"Guh…shllrrrp… I'll get yuh…back… chuupuu… for making me… suck… chuup… mmh… guhblun… mm… shllrp… dick…" Although Edina protested it, her body language and eagerness showed otherwise.

Kanae coiled her tail around Mitty's dick, and Edina did the same until they enveloped it completely. She kissed the squirreling, swapping spit and cum into her mouth. Edina was greedy, lapping it all up, licking Kanae's gums and teeth, and fingering herself.

"It's coming…!" Mitty ejaculated at last, but because his dick was constricted by two tails, the cum oozed out between the seams.

Edina unwound her tail first, licking the gooey white cum off the length of it.

"Thank you for the meal." Kanae purred, licking Mitty's dick clean and kissing the tip before pulling his pants up.

The goblin was too embarrassed and red in the face to respond, but Kanae knew he liked it as much as they did.

"I'm still so horny…" Edina panted.

"You want this?" Kanae waved her own cum-soaked tail at Edina, who was mesmerized and drooling. She allowed the squirreling to lick it up to help sate her desires. "Okay, enough fooling around. Mitty, honey~ Can you use your skills again to track down the boars for us? If we finish quick, we can go home and have a threesome with Edina."

"I-I think they found us," Mitty said. His eyes were fixed at a sounder of boars behind the skeletal horde.

Ten grunting monsters were rubbing their noses and tusks into the dirt where the tree had fallen. Although they had no ears, the goat-sized beasts made up for it with a longer snout and bulbous throat.

The squirreling snapped out of her sexual daze and shouted, "Minions, attack!"

"Edina, wait!" Kanae and Mitty warned, but it was too late.

The undead horde charged straight for the boars, and they responded by unleashing a deep bellow that forced everyone to squeeze their ears shut. A wave of force generated by their uniform choir shattered Edina's army except for the bone brute and the freshly risen bear.

"Choir boars… huh?" Kanae muttered. She tapped the collar of subjugation worn on her neck, but it only placed one of them under her control. Nowhere near enough to silence their combined vocal assault.

"Don't… you dare… hurt my queen!" Edina snarled. "Legion of the Dead!"

A massive black portal formed at their feet, allowing countless undead minions to rise. Many of them were being destroyed upon arrival, but the ones who survived…

"Sacrifice Undead!"

Every single undead summon, including the bone brute, collapsed into a pile of bones. Each pile clattered to life and gravitated to Edina, entombing her in a mass of bones that formed an even larger skeletal monstrosity. It was an entire suit of armor made of bones with her staff serving as a giant claymore. One slash sent half the choir boars flying and the other half shut her mouths out of fear.

"What the hell is this?!" Kanae cried.

"It's my milestone skill!" Edina exclaimed from the very top of the skull. "It sacrifices all of my summoned undeads in the field, giving me their attack, defenses, and combined health as one giant behemoth."

Paired with Bond, this thing was a walking fortress.

"Well, you straight up scared these monsters into silence. Let's collect the bodies and bring them back home," Kanae said, taking one step and falling flat to the ground.

"Kanae! What happened?" Mitty cried worriedly to her side.

"I'm… so out of mana… I can't move…" she mumbled.

Edina hopped down from her monstrosity. "Is that what happened? I was wondering why your Bond buff went away."

"It's probably your fault! How much mana does Sacrifice Undead need that it sucked everything out of me through Bond?!"

Edina quickly checked her skill list. A shadow fell across her face. They traded awkward glances with each other.

"Uhhh. I'm gonna go collect those choir boars for ya. I'll be right back!" Edina took off running.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Mitty asked.

"Mitty… I'm going to need you to fuck me senseless to replenish my mana." Kanae sighed.

"Leave it to me!" He kicked away his pants to get right to work.

Upon returning to Ehmvier, they ran into other adventurers who had completed their quests. The result was a mountain of dire beast meat. Their food stores were, suffice to say, bursting full. In addition to the meat, skinning them provided a lot of pelts, as well as bones for tools and weapons.

"Alright!" Edina pumped her fist into the air. "I say we feast—"

Arenade clocked Edina over the head. "And empty out our food stores again?"

"Kuh… I didn't miss you at all," the squirreling said, clutching her head in pain.

"Okay, for sure this time. Now we can go off to war!" Kanae shouted to her people, who responded with weak cheers after an entire day of questing and working. "Or maybe some rest is in order…"


Chapter 97 - An Adventurer's Hall in Ehmvier


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