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Tender boys.




That last panel is gorgeous😍


Gannet feeling insecure and tugging on Bailey's shirt is just.... *grasps chest*


The expressions in panels 5 and 6 killed me. I'm dead. Gannet is so soft.

Clio Henry

Now that makes me wonder; how does Gannet dry his wings after he bathes? If they’re so big now that he can touch the opposite walls of an average room with them, where does he stretch them out to dry? It’s not like he can just go outside and shake them out like other birds. Does Bailey do that kind of grooming for him now? Also, let’s see them switch please! Bottom’s up, Bailey boy, Gannet wants to go for a ride!


that panel 5 gannet is SO SOFT!!! TOP TIER


I don't like where Gannet's headspace is right now...guilt, depression...he might make some bad decisions.


Now i’m just waiting in anticipation for them to switch after Gannet brought it up!


Babe feeling guilty and as if he's a burden is really eating my anxiety out

J.K. Hogan

I can hear Gannett's doki doki from here.


I'm seeing an adorable trend in that Gannet grabs the hem of Bailey's shirt when he wants to say something important to him and that's just the cutest damn thing ❤


Blow dryer? Or is that bad for birds? Idk how to care for a bird xD


Where is my irl bf who treats me well?

Clio Henry

Dunno; is blowdrying bad for feathers? Never heard of that done to a bird before. But then I think something like that would scare the crap out of them. 😕


He's gonna stretch all of Bailey's shirts out. (It's actually a secret ploy to ruin the fit of them, so Bailey will alter them and give them to Gannet. That way, bird boy can always have something with him from the bae).


I can totally see him doing this and that would the cutest damn thing