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Thank god I don't have to draw the inside of that dumb car anymore




He didn't even see the blanket? Does this have to do with him being in that vampire comic, or is he just letting him off? 🤔


oh my god if Gannet can make himself invisible I will freak out. also cannot wait for that boy to meet his fambam (and for Bailey to bottom wait what who said that)

Mandy C

He was like "whatever drugs this kid is smuggling aint my business"


Is there some kind of bird magic that hides him?!? Or was the cop too intetested in Bailey to notice?


Bailey is just that hot


If Gannet can make it so that people don't notice him, this explains how there are still giant bird people going about their days without being all over the news. OH maybe he can selectively turn his wings "invisible" and this solves the problem of having to hide!


Invisible powers! Selective wing hiding! Bird magic!!!


I wonder what will pass the time while the storm continues ;-)


Or he was too into Bailey to notice. The guy didn’t even remember his own boyfriend liked him.


Gannets got secret powers 👀👀👀

Mama Mushi

I completely love the icon you have now Lucid!!!

Clio Henry

Hm. Having a “cloaking ability” would certainly explain how Gannet’s kind would have evaded detection for so long, although I’m not sure how much Bailey would like how Gannet would exploit this new-found ability! The new icon is awesome, Lucid! Keep up the great work!