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vvv*Check out the video below!*vvv

Hello! Thank you for your support, I am glad you are enjoying my YouTube material! Simply use the link below to access all of the backing tracks associated with my channel, which I will routinely update as I make new stuff. All files will be the highest quality Mp3 possible and fully downloadable at your leisure. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or critiques!


You also have access to my series "Stuff I'm Practicing":


My LoG's Bag o' Tricks Series:


As well as my series "Corny Licks to Save the Day"


As a Patron, you're also automatically added to the LoG's Guitar Extravaganza Discord Server. Don't hesitate to pop once in a while, I'm in there every day answering questions, posting secret lessons, and just talking about stuff!

Don't forget to check out the first 9 lessons of my Guitar Method, which are available to the public for free!

Get started here: Intro:

https://www.patreon.com/m/3384136/posts?filters[ta... Ch.1

https://www.patreon.com/m/3384136/posts?filters[ta... Ch.2

https://www.patreon.com/m/3384136/posts?filters[ta... -LoG-

Added: 2024-04

Thank you for signing up as a Patron! I greatly appreciate your support and I will work hard to make sure you are getting as much useful information from me as possible. 

Some things:

I would highly recommend that you move through the lessons in chronological order, as the lessons are made to build off of each other. You can easily do this by going to the "Posts" page and sorting from "Oldest to Newest" and starting from the top and working down. I also have each Main lesson and the related Side lessons groups into categories at the top of the post page.

**Remember even though I will be on a pretty regular posting schedule, by all means take as much time as you need to get the lesson and its topics comfortable before you move on. As long as you are a patron those videos aren't going anywhere, so don't feel obligated to keep up with me as I move through the lessons.**

Also, the Dropbox link below will contain a bunch of stuff for you to use like diagrams and backing tracks. Whenever I make backing tracks I will almost always make them in every key, so make sure you keep this folder handy so you always have access to that stuff. The password to this folder is logsge3113.  


As I am officially launching this page February 2nd-2020, I will give everyone some time to go through the lessons I have already posted (about 9 videos) before I begin my normal posting schedule. I will begin my normal posting schedule of Sunday-Monday-Wednesday-Friday on February 16th. 

I'm always open to comments, questions, and critiques, so if you've got em send them my way!

Looking forward to working with you!
Christian aka LoG
Added: 2024-04