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Tough times, everybody. Extremely tough. I hope all of you guys are safe and okay! I wish I had a new animation ready to cheer you up, but all I got, for now, is this short update.

After watching Korone's stream I got inspired and decided to make another Banjo-Kazooie animation. A new exciting chapter in the Eekum Bokum series! :p

This means that the telephone game animation is on the back burner for now. I'm sorry if you were really looking forward to it, but you are gonna have to wait a bit longer.

I think that with Banjo-Kazooie recently coming out on the Switch, and Korone approaching the end of her playthrough, now is the right time for a new BK animation, you know? Also, I recently started replaying the game, and I still, absolutely love it! It gets better every time! So right now I really want to work on something BK related.

As you can see, it takes place in Mad Monster Mansion, and we're finally going to see Korone interacting with Mumbo! And that's all I'm gonna say for now.




Thaaaank yooooou. ^w^