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*Krogan's Plaything 2- I am doing the second to last render of the project for sound design now. This render is of course for the sound designer to bring it to life, but also so I can get a final sweep of things to clean up for the final render.

I will be spending the rest of the day, and the weekend to get everything ready for the final render. I am pushing for a release early next week for early access, and then the full animation will be released to the public at a later date.
This is of course assuming that sound design is able to finish the sound over the weekend. I have a different sound designer for this project. 

Hope you enjoy it.

Here are a few shots of the current render of the project.

Still touching the lighting on the riding portion. A bit bright for the post editing at the moment.

The list I have at the moment to complete before the final render.
(Will most likely need to add to the Pronebone section)

Not a whole lot to complete, but I am close to the finish line. Will be going on hiatus until February once the project is complete though.

*Hope you all had a nice Holiday, and New Year. 

Going to be slamming Big Momma in February with a Haydee "equivalent". Hope to create a couple Sci-fi Futa babes for Big Momma, and other babes I have in my head. They are all sex bots at the end of the day...

Thank you for the continued support.




Awesome update, cant wait for the final. Next week can’t come any sooner (no rush) LoL 😂


thank you for news