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(Most art in collage above is not mine. Just inspiration for 2024)
I wanted to make a quick end of year post.

*Reflecting on 2023- I mainly just wanted to reflect a bit on Icky Sticky in 2023

After looking back on my output this year, I feel kind of bad. I spent a lot of time trying to learn things that didn't go anywhere. Attempted to make some original characters; some got animations others just felt like I wasted time.
Being able to push out Naughty Noble earlier this year, and currently attempting to wrap up Krogan's Plaything 2. Has made me understand that currently with all of the real-life things going on, and just my patience for anything today. I hate creating longer animations. Projects that take months to accomplish just aren't my thing. In the new year I have zero plans to create "larger" projects. Between Krogan's Plaything 2, and the recently released Naughty before Christmas.
I really enjoyed the Christmas project. I was only working on it in my free time, but was nice to see a project come together in a decent amount of time.
In all honesty it just doesn't feel rewarding to finish the larger projects like the smaller projects do.

With that being said though. All the support throughout the year has been amazing in my eyes. I feel a bit guilty because of a lackluster year. Y'all have supported me more then I deserve, and failed to deliver something that matches that generosity. So next year I plan to go back to the roots that made me want to get into animation to begin with. Even though I still love the idea of creating something along the lines of Amusteven, or Sumthindiffernt. It just isn't for me to create those style of animations.
I really like a solid looped animation. The Kisx's out there with the over the top fidelity in the scene, lighting, and smoothness in the animation. Just watching a beautiful booty in motion. The BlackJr's with the dynamic loop with well hung futanaris.
I got into animation to try, and master the dynamic loop, and got off the rails with trying to be ambitious thinking that would help me improve at a faster rate. I also dreamed about making larger animations, but... In reality I feel like I am wasting my time, and my skills progress much slower. I'm just not good enough at the moment.

Moving forward I am just grateful for the support that I am being given. It's a lot, and it means a lot, and I don't have the vocabulary to explain what it means to me.

All I can say is thank you, and I promise to keep trying my best in the new year.

*2024, and what's next for Icky Sticky- In 2024 I plan to focus on smaller projects that have better composition, lighting, and overall ideas. At the moment I think my animation skills are "fine". There's always room for improvement don't get me wrong, but I plan to focus on how to get better camera set ups, and getting better at using lighting to bring the best out of the characters.

As for projects though. Simple loops, dynamic loops, and longer form dynamic loops.

-Smaller loops- Are animations like Jack getting slammed, or X in Claire's ass. Just simple loops that maybe have a basic story behind it, but at the end of the day it is a solid loop with multiple camera angles showing it all off.

-Dynamic loops- Are animations like Apex Public indecency, The Pussy Trap, or Naughty before Christmas. Animations that have one, or two loops tied together. Maybe there is a quick sticky situation. Either way it all loops back around, and continues again.

-Longer form dynamic loops- Are animations like Cyberpunk 2077: Paying off debts, Boss Excella, or Amazon's Plaything Breeding session. Projects that have a clear ending with a few looped positions. These projects are just long enough to scratch that creative itch of creating something big, but not so big they feel like they take forever to complete.

The entire focus of 2024 is going to be learning how to create beautiful characters, and how to show them off in the best way possible. I'm inspired by Star Wars, and Baldur's Gate 3. I want to pair Big Momma with some lovely well hung Futa babes. Some looped projects that have a basic little story you can piece together by looking at the environments. Better lighting, better camera work, and better composition quality of the render.
All around I just want to create. Not spend months failing to learn new things, or feeling like I am wasting my time creating longer form projects.
I got a lot of Futa ideas, Big Momma is going to be all over, and I have a few plans for the weird creatures as well. The image above is a collage of some of the things I am thinking about in terms of characters, and just overall ideas for some original characters.

*I'm still working on Krogan's Plaything 2 at the moment. Just a lot of clean up needed to get it over the finish line. I am sending the project to voice acting this coming up week, and then to sound design the week after. I have it planned out that once I have the project back from sound design it will be fully rendered out, and ready to be shipped to you guys.
Krogan's Plaything 2 is slightly over seven minutes long. The longest project I've ever done if my memory serves me right.

I'll be taking a small break from animating porn once Krogan's Plaything 2 is completed. There is an animation online class thingy I would like to take. Watching the videos, and doing little animation tests will allow me to relax, and recuperate a bit.
Either way I will be back in full swing come February. I would like to get back to weekly updates on projects.

I wanted to take the time to say thank you again for all the support this year. Rather it is a one time donation, or you're a reoccurring patron. I thank you, and appreciate it immensely.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year.




I’m happy to support as you are learning and improving. But I must say that I do prefer your longer animations over loops, so I do hope to continue to see a couple throughout 2024 :)


Projects like Boss Excella, and Amazon's plaything are about the full length I will be pushing for in the new year. Not saying I wont make longer projects, but it wont be a priority.


Absolutely stunning Icky Sticky, thank you for all the effort you put in and the class you show.


I love the first image I dream of seeing a video in the style of Blackadder, I really liked the year 2023 in terms of futa projects and I really liked the last video, so thank you for this year 2023, and only good things for 2024


Majority of my plans are for Futa content in the new year, but I do have a few ideas for a Blackadder inspired project for sure. I don't know how I am going to do them yet, but the characters are already running around in my head. Only good things ahead.

Christian Chever

Any of you tech savvy folks able to help a poor tech illiterate individual? Most of the files I get an "Unable to Open" message on my 2 year old Android phone. Is there a Top Secret code word I don't know about?


Are you trying to download the files then view them, or just try an view them through the mega folder? I'm not really tech savvy, but will try to help how I can.