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*Miranda with Sensei Moe- This project is done, and I am currently waiting for the sound design to be completed. Should be done soon, but I don't have a proper time frame of when. I don't want to rush the final run. With that being said though. I have all of the versions rendered out, and all I need to do is slap the audio on top of it, and render out the final videos.

(Showing off the renders waiting for conversion to videos)

As you can see.... I miscounted how many versions there would be. I forgot that Miranda has a alternate color to her suit, and wanted to do a version of the project with those colors as well. Will release this project as soon as I get the sound design done. 

*Insatiable Subject Zero- Good news, and bad news on this project. Good news is the voice actress for Jack got in contact with me, and ended up getting me the voice lines done quickly. She did an amazing job at bringing Jack to life.

Bad news is... I missed the mark on the timing for the actual voice lines. The biggest issue is with the pull out of the project, and put back in. Shep pulls out, and slips back in before her first voice line ends. Her second line, and Jack's line are completely cut off. So I have been trying to extend the pull out, and put back in.

So what I thought was going to take a week or two to clean up the animation, and add the facial animation is going to take a bit longer. With this realization I have decided to change a few projects around. Shepard pounding Jack is going to be my main project for the month of October until it is completed. I am going to take it slow to try to bring the talented voice  work to life with the best of my abilities. While I work on this project I will also be doing some quick dynamic looped animations.

I hope to have the main animation reworked to align with the voice lines, and plan to have a Work In Progress of some of the facial animation for next weeks update. (Will be like what I did with Miranda's project)

*Hanako's Pleasure- I am down sizing this project. Instead of hiring voice talent for this project it will just be a series of dynamic loops, but all in one video. I will be playing with this off, and on over the coming months. Will show off some proper WIP stuff once I have something significant to show.

I haven't started on any of the loops at the moment.

*Sheva, and Rebecca's Yoga Sessions- (Title may change) I have a lot of naughty ideas that I just want to get out so... I am going to use these two to just do some outlandish poses, and some unique animations that I have never done before. From just some slow movement, and doing some basic pull outs, some knock on the fleshy bell before slamming into the fleshy love tunnel, more tease like animations, practice with a sticky finisher or two, (Still testing a milky shader) as well as just trying to get some practice with hard hitting movements.

Here is some random renders of a Futa Sheva I ported.

Just some basic clothing options for an athletic looking yoga instructor thingy... Sheva going to put Rebecca into some crazy positions, and stretch her out....

Got a quick render of the two together

Rebecca is a little cutie pie. Looking at Sheva hang out, and of course it grows quite a bit.

I have a few ideas already concepted while also still thinking about some other ideas. Check them out.

All the poses have an idea behind them, but some I have ideas to do multiple different versions. From a tease loop. To a full on pound town loop, to even taking a loop, and just adding a sticky ending to it just to test out what others think about the Milky shader I have at the moment for EEVEE. I need to get some practice with flinging fluids, and think that I am just to angry about the difference between EEVEE, and Cycles for the sticky shader.

-If you have some interesting Yoga poses, or other odd poses you might want to see these two try out. Leave a comment below, or you can message me. I plan on finishing one pose every week moving forward.

*I think that is about it for this weeks update. Got a lot of things in the works at the moment. Shepard, and Jack is coming along. I don't see Hanako's project coming out until after we get through October. Maybe early November if we are lucky. A lot of Sheva just stuffing her BBC into an insatiable STARS member.... Rebecca may not be the only STARS member too if I am lucky. We will see.

Thanks so much for the continued support. Miranda will be released into early access soon.



Larile Millvet

Damn Rebeccas thighs and hips 🥵 Sheva does look awesome too, but Rebecca 🥵 Love your aesthetic.