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-Earlier this week I ended up getting sick. Just a basic cold I do believe, but it made it working on all of the projects a bit difficult. I was able to still get a little bit done, but just wanted to acknowledge that not as much was completed as I had hoped for.

*Miranda with Sensei Moe- I was able to get all of the facial movement for the entire project done, but a lot, and I mean a lot of clean up is needed to get it ready for the final render. I have learned that the voice work, and the animation don't line up properly in my animation software. So a lot of test renders are the solution to try, and get the lip sync to at least by lined up properly to the voice work.

I have a Work In Progress showing off another one of Miranda's voice lines. You can preview it here.

This will be the last update for Miranda with Sensei Moe. I hope to have it done, and out to sound design by the end of next week. There will be a few versions of the final animation with different clothing options. Lingerie, parts of her suit, and nude. I want to make an alternate version of the suit, and nude to have her with glasses as well. So five versions total. This project will be a week long exclusive for the $5, and $10 tiers.

*Insatiable Subject Zero- I got the voice work for Shepard a couple days ago. The voice actress nailed it, and even did some improv that I think will make it into the final product. The voice actress for Jack has still not gotten back to me just yet. I am going to wait until the end of Monday, before looking for another voice talent on Tuesday.

If I can't get a proper voice talent for her I may just use the Shepard voice lines to create a long dynamic loop.
    What are your guy's opinion on this? Would you rather wait to maybe find another Jack, or would rather just see a quick loop? I feel like I have to use some of these voice lines for Shepard.

*That will be it. I am going to be focusing only on the Miranda project until it is completed. Thank you all for the continued support.




great work, like how it is coming together

Futures Investments

Thank you for the regular updates, keep up the good work :D


Cant wait how long will this animation be?


About a minute, and seventeen seconds. (That is what the test render was anyway)

Larile Millvet

I'd prefer to hear both Shepard and Jack, because that is what you originally intended. So try get an actress for Jack. OTOH it's good knowing that you're willing to adhere to release schedules, don't let issues with VA's impede your progress.