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She's done! You can check out the full art process in this post, where I also ramble about my thoughts on year's Color of the Year and how I came up with the design.

It's not my favorite design, and I totally acknowledge that the soft elegant frills clash with the rigid suit. But it does represent how I feel about these two colors, tbh. It's the kind of design that's meant to appeal to people who have a different taste in high fashion than mine 😆  

And even if I don't love the design, I'm happy with the illustration itself. I've been trying to go for a more flat coloring style for a while, ie no shadows to make my life easier and my drawing process faster. But it seems like I get more likes on artwork with more detailed and realistic shading, and I know I shouldn't care what the internet thinks lol (and some day I will rant about how detailed =/= good) but I don't mind taking the opportunity to improve. So I added back the pencil etching textures I had at the beginning of the year for detail, except now I'm trying to be more selective about it. 


So an update on Pantone prints: sadly, I've decided not to do the Kickstarter campaign because a) only 6 people signed up on the Google form, and b) CatPrint is out of my ideal paper until February 2022 and I don't think people will be interested by then. I shouldn't be surprised that they receive a lot of printing orders around holiday season, haha

While I am disappointed, I'm also grateful that the number of sign-ups was more than 0 🤣 But between us, someone put their email as pussyandvagina@gmail.com so I think I got trolled...




Looks like a dress inspired by flowers


ooh yeah i can see that! it gives off sunflower vibes somehow