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My sister is a hobbyist photographer, so I finally asked her to take some pics of my stickers since I want to advertise the Witches Pack again in October. They turned out okay, I think! I've been using my phone to take all photos and videos of my stickers and the difference is glaringly obvious, lol. 

Although I am planning to advertise my shop next month, I'm planning on moving it. I am shutting down thelettergii.com/shop next week and will most likely set up a new shop on ko-fi.com/thelettergii instead.

My original shop was set up through Wix and required a two year subscription. ko-fi doesn't require a subscription, they just take 5% of every purchase. I did the math, and ko-fi will cost much less for me in the long run.

Canceling my Wix subscription also means thelettergii.com is going down as an entire site, but I haven't updated the site in a long time anyways. I still own the domain though, because I would like to revisit the site when a) I'm a little more established and b) I have a solid grasp on this new art style I've been exploring.




They look amazing! Also this is super relatable lol