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Working on the next prize art for @hallelugh! Will be updating this post regularly with new progress pics.

1) Very rough sketch to figure out the pose + anatomy

2) Fleshing out the sketch - I can't start on lineart until my sketch is absolutely clear.

3) Carved the sketch into finished lineart. Sometimes I'll trace lineart on a separate layer, but other times I like the sketch so much that I don't want to redraw it and would rather work with what's already there.

4) Coloring progress - it started out as flats, but there's so much detail to the shading that I decided to knock out most of the iridescent rendering. Thank god Agatha already laid out the colors so I didn't have to start from scratch!

5) Thinned out the stripes, added highlights and missing details, and she's done! 

6) Went back and fixed some things - I missed the stripes on her waist and moved the signature, moved the pupils slightly as well.

7) The original look, for reference.




This is so fab! I love how clean your process is


LOL sometimes it's clean and sometimes it's a lot messier, but i got lucky today