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My New Year's Resolution was to start working on a video game. You can find my reasoning in a previous post, but essentially it comes out of a desire to really create SOMETHING. I feel like drawing random designs can only get you so far...but I'm also decent with coding IRL so I feel like if I can combine my art skills and my coding skills, I can create something really cool. 

Since December, I have been thinking long and hard about what game I want to make and I think I've finally landed on something within my skill range. I was hesitant to share at first as I wanted to keep the entire game a surprise, but I think it would be better in the long run to get feedback instead of getting stuck in my head.

So I wanted to share the basic concept with you all. Three words: magical girl fashion. 

The game would take place in a citadel where these magical girls from all over the world can get together and hang out. The cool thing is that I can use some of my previous designs as magical girl outfits, so you'd see some familiar looks.
You are not a magical girl but ended up in the citadel by mistake, but you can't leave because only magical girls can come and go. The only way you can go home is to win a magical girl tournament, where the champion is allowed three wishes - so you could wish your way out of the citadel.
Fortunately, you get some magical item of clothing that turns into any magical girl's outfit in the citadel and wield their powers, as long as you befriend them or earn their respect.
The story will cover how you unlock outfits to get through the competition, the history behind the citadel, and maybe even how to overcome imposter syndrome (when I figure out how to overcome it lol jk).

The story sounds pretty in depth, I want the game to be more about spending time in the citadel and getting to know the characters (hence, Stardew Valley).
The story aspect is just a way to unlock more powers and parts of the citadel, so I don't actually think there will be a combat system because that involves skill and I want this to be accessible to players of all skill levels. Magical girl battles would be more akin to point and click puzzles where you need the right power to unlock the arena (hence, King's Quest). You need the right power to deflect your opponent's attack, the right power to land an attack your opponent, etc.
To befriend characters and get their outfits, you farm ingredients to craft desserts, mine materials to craft makeup, hold tea parties to get tea on what the girls like and don't like - real girly shit haha. Oh, and some characters need to be unlocked through the aforementioned combat, which means you need to have unlocked other characters first.

So that's where I'm currently at. My main thing is that it seems like there's two separate game mechanics with the SV-esque crafting and gifting vs. the KQ-esque adventure puzzles, so I'd love opinions on whether you think the two can mesh well (if not, which would you prefer). And let me know what you think in general! If this is a hot mess I should know now so I can save myself the trouble lol



i think those two styles can blend really well actually! this game sounds like lots of fun


ah thank you! and thank you for supporting me on patreon, welcome 😭😭

Iliann Perez

I really feel like those two styles can go well together. Those ideas are all really fun!