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The Queen's expression betrayed nothing of her thoughts, but paused a moment before changing the subject. "How fares your Hahl?" she asked.

"Well, it is still intact," said Abbas, "which may be more than can be said for others. I do not know what has become of the other Hahls, but I suspect we were among the luckier ones. Hahls Kattan and Dagher worry me most. Their homes were even closer to Uego than the Golden Fort was. They likely received the least warning of the invasion."

"I see," said Helen. "Do you have enough space at Warrenhold for everyone?"

"Yes, but we do not intend to stay there long."

"I would imagine not. The Rainlords must make for awkward bedfellows, no?"

Abbas shook his head. "Far from it. We have our differences, but it is precisely in times such as these that our commonalities rise to the surface. Their presence is a welcome comfort."

The Queen seemed surprised, but then nodded. "I am sure that my brother Meriwether would like to see Nasira and Rashad before you go. They are well, I hope?"

"They are. And I have no objection to their meeting, of course. We are but guests, after all."

"Where do you intend to go, if not Warrenhold?"

Abbas glanced Hector's way. "We are thinking of here. In Lorent. Hector has kindly offered us a place on his land. Temporarily, of course."

Helen's gaze turned briefly to Hector, too. "Are you sure? You are welcome in Atreya. I do not know if the Lorentians will be quite so understanding as we are."

Abbas folded his hands on the table. "I do not intend to ask for their permission. We will remain here covertly."

The Queen's head reared back a little. "Perhaps I am misunderstanding something, then. That seems a needless risk when you have a perfectly viable alternative in Atreya."


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