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When the Queen and Lynn appeared, they were both wearing clothes that were more casual for them than he'd seen in a long time. Or what felt like a long time, at least. Not since they'd been on the run from Abolish had they looked so... normal. Little to no makeup, lack of bright colors in the wardrobe, not even the sword that Lynn always carried with her.

Though, it wasn't like she needed it to protect the Queen.

And it wasn't like she needed expensive clothes or that fancy white cloak in order to look good, either.

"Hello there," said the Queen softly as she joined them at their modest table.

Lynnette decided to sit at the table across the narrow aisle and turn around to the face the taco shop's front door.

"Hello..." Hector almost added a 'Your Highness" to that but caught himself. It felt little weird to not use her honorifics, but he was sure she would understand.

"I am pleased to see you, Helen," said Abbas. The gentleness in his voice took Hector by surprise.

"And I you, Abbas. It has been some time."

"You've grown into a fine young woman."

She tittered lightly at that. "I am well into my thirties, you know."

"Hah. Is that meant to make you sound old?"

"Youthfully experienced, is how I like to think of it."

The Lord Saqqaf gave her a brief smile before his expression turned more serious again. "Thank you for sending Lord Goffe to our aid. It could not have been more timely. I dread to think of where my family would be right now if he had not arrived when he did."

Her gaze flitted between the two of them for a moment. "I am glad to hear that. He was quite adamant about it. He scarcely even asked my permission before departing. It may be a stretch to say that I 'sent' him."

"Perhaps, but you could have intervened, if you wished--and been well-justified in doing so, I am sure."


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