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"So you're telling me aura is dependent on another power?"

"Yes. You might say that it is a product of your entire self. All of your abilities. Even the parts of you which hold no physical power, such as your emotions and memories, are retained within your aura."

"Huh..." Hector supposed that made sense with what he knew of auras so far. It was still a little strange to imagine, though. "So... if my aura continues to grow, what will it do for me? Like, what are the actual effects of it?"

"Ah. A good question. Ultimately, no two auras are identical. Many may share similar attributes--especially if the individuals they belong to are of similar mindsets--but their effects can vary greatly."


"An aura born from a vicious murderer will have quite different effects than one born from a gentle nurturer, for example."

"I see. And how is a new aura 'born,' exactly?"

"Another good question. Had I still a body, perhaps I would be researching that very subject."

"You don't even have a guess?"

"Perhaps. Perhaps not."

Yep. On the whole, Hector couldn't be too disappointed. Rasalased seemed to be more coherent now than in any of their previous conversations. He felt like he was learning a lot. "Okay, uh... then can you tell me what the current effects of my aura are?"

"Hrm. No."

Well, fuck. "Really? Not at all?"

"It is shielding your thoughts from me. That much is obvious."


"Yours is a peculiar aura."

"Uh. It is?"

"Yes. It is warm and friendly, yet not docile. It is comforting, yet not self-certain. It is protective, yet also somewhat aggressive, as if readying itself to boil."

Hector wasn't too sure what to make of any of that, especially those last bits. Aggressive? Really? And it was supposed to be a reflection of himself?



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