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"Yeah, alright, just ignore me. That's fine." Hector didn't think he would be able to get Rasalased to talk about anything he didn't want to. "But, uh... regarding the Sandlords, I just want to help them stay safe. Beyond that, I wouldn't say I really have any 'intentions' for them."

"Is that so?"

"Er. Yeah. Why do you sound so curious about that?" Hector might've been squinting with his physical body, but he couldn't quite tell in this weird headspace or whatever it was. "Hold on. Can't you just read my mind or something?"

"Alas, I cannot."

"What? Why not? You were doing that all the time before."

"Yes, but your aura has grown significantly since then."

Hector stuck on that remark for a moment. Yeah, there was another subject he needed to ask about. "What can you tell me about auras?"

"It is a power that belongs to all, though few are able to sense it. Even I can only do so in a limited capacity."

"It seems to be a specialty of the Sparrows," said Hector.

"Ah, yes, the Wrobels. You are being careful of them, I trust?"

"Er, yeah."

"...Your answer lacks confidence, Young Hector."

"Well, that's not too abnormal for me."


"Anyway, keep telling me about auras, please. So they're like a hidden power that everyone has? Even non-servants?"

Rasalased took a moment before continuing. "Yes. And no."

"Ah, thanks for clearing that up."

"Theoretically, I believe, all may possess the power of aura. But not all do."

"Uh, okay..."

"I believe it is because an aura is not itself an independent power."

"...What do you mean?"

"Your materialization, for example. That is an independent power. It relies not anything else, other than you. Your soul power, as well. That is independent."

"Hmm. But don't those both 'depend' on the connection I have with my reaper?"

"Yes, but that is a different manner of dependency than that which I speak of. Your materialization and soul power do not directly affect one another. If one grows, it does not impact your skill with the other." 


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