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<<Page 2742 || all Chapter 245 pages

"A part of me thinks that you should be staying as well," said Zeff, looking at Hector. "Any among us could serve as a reasonable liaison without putting you in danger."

Hector met the man's hard gaze for a moment. His tone was harsh, but Hector still somehow sensed a warmth in them.

Zeff was worried about him. Or he just didn't think Hector could handle it. Maybe a little of both.

"...Only 'a part' of you thinks that?" said Hector, trying to restrain his smile.

Zeff did not react to his prodding, however, and merely maintained the same stony expression as always.

Well, that was fine. Hector decided to change the subject. "A small group, then," he said. "Dimas and Roman are easy choices because you both have such great aerial mobility."

Those two exchanged glances with one another.

"Hmm," Hector continued, "and I feel like Mevox will throw a fit if I don't bring him and Salvador."

'Whoa, hey now!' said Mevox. 'I take offense to that, Mr. Warrenlord! You're not allowed to talk that kind of shit to me! We don't know each other well enough yet!'

"Oh, I think he knows plenty about you already," said Salvador with a chortle.

'Ah, and you've turned my own servant against me, I see. Truly, a wicked mind is leading this operation. I fear for all our safety now.'

"We can leave him behind, if you want," said Salvador. "Lock him in an iron box. I give you my consent."

'I'm pretty sure it's MY consent that's important here!'


Hector assessed the remaining candidates. Horatio Blackburn, Joana Cortes, and a few more Sebolts and Delagunas. "Horatio and Joana, I would like the two of you to stay, as well."

They both frowned.

"Why?" said Joana. 


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