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When he arrived, he found the reaper in question there waiting for him.

Along with a whole bunch of other people.

And for some reason, Hector found that surprising. He'd intended to go alone, but that seemed like an altogether foolish notion all of a sudden--not because it would be dangerous for him to do so, but just because the Rainlords simply wouldn't allow it.

The sight of them all there pulled a faint smile out of him as he approached. "You guys really don't need to come with me," he tried, knowing it was most likely a futile effort.

'Yeah, what are you all thinking?' said Mevox, the reaper of Salvador Delaguna. 'We'll be just fine without your help.'

'Ah, yes, agreed,' said Iziol. 'Dimas and I must obviously go with him, but the rest of you are unneeded.'

'You're all adorable,' said Voreese, only then making Hector notice that she and Roman were there in the crowd. 'Roman and I are all the assistance Hector needs. Too many of you clods will just slow us down.'

Axiolis hovered forward as well. 'Amusing, but let us be serious. A large group would attract attention. You wish to be fast and quiet, yes? Then we should send only those of us who are most suited to that end.'

'Heh, well, no offense, but I'd say that eliminates ol' Zeffy boy,' said Mevox.

Zeff gave the reaper a look but said nothing.

'As much as we might like to accompany you, we feel that it is best we stay here,' said Axiolis.

Which Hector found surprising. And quite agreeable. Zeff did have Marcos and Ramira to look after, so it made plenty of sense.

'I'm glad you think so,' said Garovel. 'We'll be more at ease knowing that Warrenhold is safe in your hands.'

Axiolis just nodded. 


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