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"Before Atreya was born, this land belonged to the Mohssian Empire," said William. "And at that time, the noble House of Belgrant did not exist, either--unlike virtually every other family that is present at the Gala tonight. As far as the aristocracy is concerned, we are still comparatively young."

"You're talking about over three hundred years ago," said Hector. "If your house is young, then what does that make mine?"

The man gave a faint laugh. "You have a point, but such is the nature of this country's aristocracy." He paused, perhaps to regather his thoughts. "Regardless, the story of how my family rose to the noble class is intimately tied to the story of Atreya's independence."

"Er, really?" said Hector. "I, uh... I happened to be reading about that subject the other day, and I don't remember seeing the name Belgrant mentioned."

"Ah, yes. We were given little credit for our role, historically. The nobles of the era likely thought that our ascension into the aristocracy was enough of a reward."

"I see..."

"But if you know the story of Atreya's acquisition of independence, then you know that it was a peaceful affair accomplished with no bloodshed."

"Yeah," affirmed Hector. "And it was even more impressive because of how violent things were at the time."

"Indeed," said William. "Some might even argue that it was more than impressive. They might say that it was a genuinely impossible feat."

Hector wasn't sure what he was getting at.

"Such claims, when I heard them in the past, I did not take seriously," said William. "And why would I? It was an achievement to be admired, not questioned--not used to fuel conspiratorial or magical thinking."

Hector couldn't conceal the confusion on his face. "What are you trying to say?"



A Belgrant servant?!


I was thinking the same. Kind of how Hector gained his title too. But it would be pretty strange that that none of them after that got a reaper. .


I'm guessing the castle was built by a servant, and that servant was his ancestor.